Saturday, February 15, 2020

Amazons & Artifacts for the d20 System

There's a new Wonder Woman movie coming out in June, and we here at NUELOW Games are really looking forward to it! While scheduling some anticipatory posts at Shades of Gray, our Head Honcho Steve Miller found himself getting ideas for a number of d20 System rules... and here they are! (And yes, this has been probably been done before... and it will probably be done again!)

The Amazons are a secretive matriarchy that, since the time of Atlantean dominance on Earth, have lived and thrived in a series of interconnected pocket dimensions scattered across the globe. They were devoted allies of the Olympians in the war against Atlantis. When the Olympians withdrew from Earth, they rewarded the staunch support of the Amazons with the hidden communities in which they thrive to this day.
   The cities of the Amazons are inhabited almost entirely by women, and most of them are so ancient that they witnessed first hand the Great Wars between Atlantis and the Olympians. There is roughly one male per 150 females in Amazonian society, and most of these males reside in and guard the points where the Amazon enclaves intersect with the rest of the world or connect to each other.
   Amazon society is a meritocracy where knowledge and skill is respected and valued above all else. It is, however, also a strict matriarchy where only women can hold positions of political power, and all decisions are made by the Queen and her Council of Mothers. Due to the male-dominated nature of most civilizations that have surrounded the Amazon cities, their men have, more often than not, served as go-betweens and ambassadors to the outside world. (The words "male" and "female" does not exist in the Amazon language; females are Amazons while males are Consorts.)
   When within their cities, male and female residents both are un-aging, physically immune to the passage of time. When in the outside world, however, they age and die at the rate of any normal human being.
   Amazons have kept up with the world as it developed and evolved outside their enclaves for thousands of years, adopting the best they found into their own culture. In most areas, their science and technology is equal to the most advanced on Earth, while in some areas they are more advanced.
   The rest of the text in this post is released under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. (As is usually the case in these parts, this material is designed with d20 Modern in mind, but it easily adaptable to other versions of D&D.)

During character creation, a player may choose to be an Amazon by adding the following template (with GM permission, of course).
   Prerequisite: Female Human
   Benefit: May choose Amazon feats in place of class bonus and starting feats. +1 Strength, +1 Constitution. The character is automatically fluent and literate in Amazon, as well as a number of additional languages equal to her Intelligence bonus.

During character creation, a player may choose to be an Amazon by adding the following template (with GM permission, of course).
   Prerequisite: Male Human
   Benefit: May choose Amazon feats in place of class starting and bonus feats. +1 Strength, +1 Charisma. The character can automatically speak, read and write Amazon, as well as a number of additional languages equal to his Intelligence bonus.

The following starting occupations are available for Amazons and Consorts.

Amazon Ambassador
These members of Amazon society are trained to deal with the outside world. They frequently dwell away from the hidden Amazon enclaves. They are equal parts ambassadors (to those who are aware of the existence of the Amazons) and spies (to keep the Amazon leadership appraised on what is happening in the outside world.
   Prerequisite: Consort Racial Template, Age 20+
   Skills: Gain a +1 bonus to all Charisma-based skill. Gain an additional bonus to Sense Motive skill checks equal to your Charisma. Choose three languages that the character is able to speak, read and write.
   Bonus Feat: Choose two feats from the following list. Attentive, Confident, Deceitful, Diligent, Defensive Martial Arts, Endurance, Favored of Harmonia, Foresight, Investigator, Light Armor Proficiency, Persuasive, Specialty Martial Artist, Stealthy.

Amazon Healer
These individuals serve as doctors, nurses, medics, and even sometimes mystical healers. They are only rarely found outside Amazon enclaves, and always on a specific, short-term mission when they are.
   Prerequisite: Amazon or Consort Racial Template, Age 16+
   Skills: Gain +1 bonus to all Wisdom-based skills. with Heal becoming a permanent class skill. (If it is already a class skill, gain 2 ranks.)
   Bonus Feat: Choose two feats from the following list. Faithful, Favored of Artemis, Confident, Defensive Martial Arts, Light Armor Proficiency, SelflessSpecialty Martial Artist

Amazon Scholar
These are keepers of knowledge and history in Amazon society. They help everyone remember the past, so they can build a better future. Depending on their areas of expertise, they may spend more time away from the Amazon settlements than in them, oftentimes working with the ambassadors to gather or analyze specific information.Like the Amazon Ambassadors, they spend a good deal of time outside
   Prerequisite: Amazon or Consort Racial Template, Age 16+
   Skills: Gain a +1 bonus to all Knowledge-based skill checks. The character can Read/Write Ancient Greek script, Ancient Norse runes, and Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Bonus Feat: Choose three feats from the following list. Diligent, Dodge, Educated, Endurance, Investigator, Favored of Artemis, Light Armor Proficiency, Specialty Martial Artist,

Amazon Warrior
The are the most honored members of Amazon society.
Prerequisite: Amazon Racial Template, Age 16+
Skills: Gain +1 bonus to all Strength-based skill checks.
Bonus Feat: Choose two feats from the following list. Acrobatic, Combat Martial Arts, Combat Reflexes, Confident, Endurance, Educated, Favored of Ares, Foresight, Light Armor Proficiency, Specialty Martial Artist,

Art by Sergio Santos

When gaining feats, Amazons (male or female) may pick ones from the following list in addition to the selections from character classes. The character must still meet all prerequisites before a feat can be selected.

Existing Feats
Acrobatic, Alertness, Athletic, Diligent, Educated, Exotic Weapons Proficiency, Faithful, Fortune Telling, Light Armor Proficiency, Martyr, SelflessSpecialty Martial Artist, Stealthy

New Feats
The Favored of... feats are meant to reflect that the character special--and perhaps even personal--connection to the gods who are patrons of the Amazons. Players who wish to select one or more of these feats at character creation should be encouraged to explain how the character came to the attention of the god or goddess. (Maybe we'll create a random table at some point to help you along, since we love doing those here at NUELOW Games!)

Favored by Ares [Amazon]
You have a special relationship with Ares, and he has granted you a special power.
   Prerequisite: Amazon or Consort Racial Template
   Benefit: You have divine favor as a spell-like ability. Your effective caster level is your total character level, and you may use the ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus.

Favored by Athena [Amazon]
You have a special relationship with Athena, and she has granted you a special power.
   Prerequisite: Amazon or Consort Racial Template
   Benefit: You have resistance as a spell-like ability. Your effective caster level is your total character level, and you may use the ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus.
   Special: Unlike the actual spell resistance, this effect cannot be made permanent.

Favored by Artemis [Amazon]
You have a special relationship with Artemis, and she has granted you a special power.
   Prerequisite: Amazon or Consort Racial Template
   Benefit: You have calm animals and purify food and drink as spell-like abilities. Your effective caster level is your total character level, and you may one, the other, or both, a total number of times per day equal to your Constitution bonus.

Favored by Harmonia [Amazon]
You have a special relationship with Harmonia, and he has granted you a special power.
   Prerequisite: Amazon or Consort Racial Template
   Benefit: You have message as a spell-like ability. Your effective caster level is your total character level, and you may use the ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus.

Favored by the Muses [Amazon]
The Nine Muses have watched over you since childhood, and they granted you special gifts.
   Prerequisite: Amazon or Consort Racial Template
   Benefit: Gain a +1 bonus to all Perform skills.
   Special: You may summon a specific Muse for assistance without suffering the initial 500XP drain.
   (For more d20 System rules and information about the Nine Muses, click here.)

Foresight [Amazon]
You have the ability to see a fraction of a second into the future.
   Benefit: You gain a permanent +2 adjustment to all initiative rolls.

Art by Bruce Timm

When the Olympians departed Earth, the three whom the Amazons had provided the greatest service to--Ares, Artemis, Athena and Harmonia--each gifted them with a powerful artifact. These items are kept in a shrine, deep beneath the Queen's palace Themiscyra, the oldest of the Amazonian enclaves. They are considered the greatest treasures of the Amazons. In the more than 10,000 years since their creation, the items have only been removed from their shrine four times, each time to defend the world against grave danger.

The Bracers of Artemis
These golden armguards only provide benefits to a character with the Amazon racial template. They give the wearer a +2 bonus to AC/DR. In addition, if the wearer has initiative, she can take a full round action and deflect any incoming ranged attacks specifically targeted at her. She can even deflect attacks that otherwise might be unavoidable, such as the bolts of a magic missile spell, a lightning bolt, or a ray of disintegration.
   The wearer of the bracers may also deflect ranged attacks directed at other characters within melee range by taking a 5-foot adjustment in their direction and standing between them and the incoming projectile or spell.
    Drawbacks: None for Amazons and Consorts. If a non-Amazon (a character who doesn't have either the Amazon or Consort racial templates) wears the Bracers of Artemis, he or she must roll a Fortitude save every time projectiles are deflected. If the saving throw fails, the character is knocked to the ground and stunned for 1d4 rounds.

The Diadem of Athena
A sturdy piece of golden headgear that is inset with rubies and a five-pointed star symbolizing Athena grants its wearer a +2 bonus to all mind-affecting magic and spell-like abilities and effects.
   The wearer can also use the Diadem of Athena as a thrown weapon, with a +2 magical bonus to hit and damage (Weight 1 lb; Damage 1d4+2 (small), 1d6+2 (medium); Critical x2; Type bludgeoning; Range Increment 30 ft. (projectile); Category ranged; Proficiency simple weapon.). The diadem can strike a number of targets equal to the wielder's attack bonus. The targets must be declared when the character throws the diadem, and a separate attack roll is required for each target). The diadem unerringly returns to the hand of person who threw it at the end of the round, or falls to the ground near his or her feet if the character is unable to catch it for some reason.
   It is possible for someone to grab the diadem from the air using the snatch arrow feat (or other abiltilies), but if the attempt is successful, the character who caught it suffers 2d6+2 points of electrical damage (DC22 Fortitude save for half).
    Drawback: None, but the item confers no magical bonuses nor protection to non-Amazons (characters without the Amazon or Consort racial templates). It likewise does not function as a magical thrown weapon
The Shield of Harmonia
This front of this bronze buckler is decorated with symbols that resemble snakes and lightning bolts twisting around each other and a five-pointed star. In addition to the normal features of a buckler, the Shield of Harmonia grants the user an additional +4 bonus to all saving throws made against poisonous or acidic gasses and damage-dealing area of affect spells.
   Drawbacks: None, but the item confers no magical bonuses nor protection to non-Amazons (characters without the Amazon or Consort racial templates).

The Sword of Ares
This short sword was forged from an otherworldly metal that is so black its blade seems to absorb light rather than reflect it. When wielded by an Amazon or Consort, it is a magic weapon with a +4 bonus to-hit and damage. In addition, as the sword is first drawn during an encounter, the wielder may use fear as a spell-like ability against a number of targets equal to his or her Charisma bonus. The effective caste level is equal to the wielder's total character level.
   Drawbacks: When non-Amazons (characters without the Amazon or Consort racial templates) use the Sword of Ares, they must roll a successful Will (DC12) save each time they deal damage to a target. If the roll fails, the wielder is blinded. The character remains blind until subjected to a remove curse (cast at 20th level), or a wish spell.

If you enjoyed this post, please check out some of our actual products, for sale at DriveThruRPG, or perhaps even leave some comments below. It will encourage us to make more (or to fix things you don't like about what we've already done)!

(Wonder Woman is Copyright and TM by DC Comics/Warner Bros and is used without permission.)

Sunday, February 9, 2020

From the School of Typomancy...

Here's a spell from the little-known School of Typomancy. Spells of this nature are generally discovered when game designers and writers type too fast and/or don't bother proof-reading text before letting editors see it

LIGHTNING BLOT (1st level, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard)
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area of Effect: 10 ft radius
Effect: Burst of light and static electricity
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See below
Spell Resistance: Yes

Creatures within the area of effect must roll Fortitude saves or suffer 1d3+1 point of electrical damage and be dazzled for one minute. If the saving throw is successful, the targets suffer no damage, but all their hair stands on end as they are subjected to extreme static electricity. This persists for ten minutes or until they touch another person or being, inflicting 1 point of damage upon the person touched, and suffering 1 point themselves. (If the touched being rolls a successful Fortitude save, it suffers no damage.)

The text in this post is released under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2020 Steve Miller.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Bessie Love and the Shawl of the Babushka

During the 1920s and early 1930s, Bessie Love was a popular movie star. Away from the adoring public, however, she led a secret life as the superhero Love Bug and defended Earth against supernatural evil. During her adventures, she collected a number of magical treasures. One of these was the shawl of the babushka. In this post, we reveal another of Bessie's secret adventures while describing this unique magical item in terms of the d20 System rules.

In 1946, Bessie Love (in her guise of the Love Bug) battled Baba Yaga to save children abducted from a village in eastern Ukraine. At the end of that adventure, she walked away with a shawl that Baba Yaga had woven and enchanted for her most loyal servants. At one time, 13 of these were known to exist; two were destroyed during the encounter that Love had with Baba Yaga and three witches, but ten more may still exist. The secret to making this item is known only to Baba Yaga
   The shawl of the babushka is a triangular piece of cloth that is roughly 3 feet wide and 7 feet in length. If subjected to detect magic, it radiates faint transmutation magic.
    The fabric is a red so deep that it is almost black. It is embroidered with flowery patterns in bright yellow and blue and green, but if those patterns are carefully studied (1d6+2 rounds) and a successful Knowledge (Arcane) skill check is rolled (DC20), it becomes apparent that mystic symbols of demonic origin are concealed in harmless-seeming floral motif. The purpose of the symbols isn't clear. (Only high-ranking demonlords and Baba Yaga herself know the meaning of the symbols, but see below for more.)

Powers of the Shawl of the Babushka
When worn, a shawl of the babushka grants the following protections and powers to its wearer:
   *Immunity to normal hot- and cold-weather conditions. The wearer is comfortable in the hottest and coldest places on Earth.
   *Immunity to be located by any magical means, except through the personal and direct actions of a god.
   * +4 bonus to saving throws made to resist damage from elemental magic.
   * Use charm person as a spell-like ability at 20th-level effectiveness twice per day.
   There is one final power that is not revealed by identify or anything short of a wish spell. It can only be explained by Baba Yaga, a demonlord, or learned through experimentation.
   * Become one of three different human females: A plump and friendly-seeming old woman; a bent, boney, hag-like old woman; and an extremely attractive young woman. Although the character using this ability retains all of his or her own statistics, levels, and class abilities, this transformation does not register as a magical one; for as long as the character wears the shawl, he or she is the woman that he or she has chosen to be. Aside from a vague similarity in facial features (Spot check of DC18 for anyone to notice), there is nothing else to give away the character's transformation. The transformation remains in effect until the character is no longer wearing the shawl.
   The transformation is brought about with a successful Willpower saving throw (DC12) and a full round action. Until the character realizes that there are three different forms that can be adopted, the woman that he or she changes into is rolled randomly on the following table:

Random Shawl Transformation (Roll 1d6)
1-2: Plump Old Woman
3-4: Withered Old Woman
5-6: Beautiful Young Woman

Drawbacks of the Shawl of the Babushka
The shawl of the babushka is a magic item made by Baba Yaga specifically for her most loyal human minions, typically witches. Wearers to whom she has gifted it wouldn't necessarily view these effects as "drawbacks".
   * Whenever the character uses the charm person spell-like ability, the GM rolls 2d6+1. On a roll of 4 or 13, Baba Yaga gains the ability to see and hear everything the character does for an hour, even if the shawl is immediately removed. She also knows exactly where the character is located.
   * Whenever the character transforms into one of the female forms, the GM rolls 2d6+1. On a result of 13, the character is physically replaced by a succubus for 1d4+2 hours. While the character is trapped in the demonic plane, no harm will befall him or her, but he will be warned against trying to cross Baba Yaga, as well as being offered the opportunity to gain the Chosen feat as a bonus, or otherwise makes offers to tempt the character to serve them. (Even if the character refuses all offers, the demons will always be cordial and polite to the temporarily planeshifted character; they will even happily explain everything about the shawl and its powers.
   The interaction with the demon generally takes place in a richly appointed, parlor with comfortable couches and easy chairs. If the character is rude or aggressive, the demons try to remain friendly and polite but they will leave him or her alone if the character persists. If the character attacks them, he or she is immediately transported to a sweltering, dark void for the duration to the swap.

All text in this post is presented under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance to its terms. Copyright 2020 Steve Miller.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Cupid Sex Swap Caper

Here's a campaign subplot, and new magical item, to help GMs get ready for Valentine's Day. This material should be useful for any D&D variant, ranging from the good old D&D Rules Cyclopedia, through AD&D, all the various d20 System iterations, and maybe all the way up to D&D Fifth Edition. (All text in this post is released under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2020 Steve Miller.)

Cupid's insane sister, Himera, has trapped him in a pocket dimension, and she has taken over as the Spirit of Love. She wants to move up from mere minor entity to full-fledged god, and she is appearing to characters with Charisma scores of 16 or better, and Wisdom scores of 12 or better, with an offer: "Promise to be loving and kind to those who deserve kindness. Promise to defend and protect romantic lovers wherever you find them. Promise these things, and I will give you power and make you a Soldier in my Army of Love."

When a character agrees to be a Soldier in the Army of Love, a silver chain with a heart-shaped ruby pendant appears around his or her neck. The necklace cannot be removed, and, although it does not radiate magic, it is an artifact that grants its wearer the following abilities:
    * +5 bonus to hit with all bows, all bows and missiles they fire are treated as if they are enchanted weapons
    * Use charm person as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to the character's Charisma bonus. The character's total levels is the caster level.
    * If the amulet is flipped around so it hangs down between the character's shoulder blades, if the character utters the command word "It's the Power of Love", a pair of ghostly wings appear on his or her back that function as a feather fall spell cast at 20th level. The spell effect is limited to the character, although he or she can share the effect with one other creature (up to Medium-size) if it is embraced tightly.

Himera will continue to appear to the character from time to time, sometimes offering helpful hints in solving whatever problems the character and his or her allies are currently facing, and other times she will ask that assistance be provided to star-crossed lovers under dire threat.
    When the character next gains a level, Himera appears to him or her and demands that the character become a Priest/Cleric/Mystic (or whatever class casts divine magic in your campaign). If the character refuses, he or she, and close friends, allies, and others he or she cares about, are transported to the pocket dimension where Cupid is imprisoned. They must then help the actual Spirit of Love escape from captivity and put his sister back where she belongs.
    Even if the character chooses to become a priest of Himera, at some point he or she is bound to do something that offends the capricious entity and will find him- or herself banished with all their friends and loved ones to Cupid's prison.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

In This Christmas Season...

… here's a magic item for your d20 System RPGs (like Pathfinder and such).

Candle of Peace
Candles of Peace are found in churches and shrines to good-aligned deities. No one knows how they are created or by whom. They just seem to appear in dark corners  bundles of 2d4+4, on random festival days for the deity a given shrine, church, or temple is devoted to. If subjected to detect magic, candles of peace radiate faint auras of divine magic, but nothing more specific can be determined. Roll 1d6 to determine what color the candles are: 1-2 red; 3-4 white; 5-6 green.
   When lit, a candle of peace provides a +2 bonus to Will saves to resist fear effects, and a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves to resist disease, venoms, and poisons (magical and non-magical) within a 10-foot radius and sight of the candle's flame. Each candle can burn a total of 48 hours before completely expended. It can be lit and extinguished any number of times during that period. (Each time it is lit, the GM can assume that a minimum of 1/4 of an hour  of burn time is spent.)
   A candle of peace cannot be wet or submerged in water to work. It can be used to ignite flammable materials and substances. It can be extinguished by any means that would extinguish a normal candle.
   Up to four candles of peace can be lit at the same time and their benefits will stack, for a maximum bonus of +8. They cannot be more than 4 inches apart for the bonuses to stack. The radius of the effect never expands beyond the 10-foot radius.

Best Holiday wishes from your friends at NUELOW Games! Here's Mike Oldfield's fabulous version of "Silent Night" to help set the mood!

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Bessie Love and the Gourdians

In 1928, during her time fighting supernatural evil as The Love Bug, actress and secret warrior in the battle of good vs. evil, Bessie Love liberated a Gourdian from enslavement by an evil necromancer. She posed with him for a portrait, and he visited her and her family every Halloween for the rest of her life.

Bessie Love and "Gourdon", the Gourdian she befriended.

Tens of thousands of years ago, during the height of the Atlantean civilization on Earth, a misfired experiment in pushing the boundaries the Aeromancy and Biomancy magical disciplines flooded a pumpkin patch with magic and brought into existence a whole new species of beings. The Atlanteans named them "Gourdians" and the beings didn't really care what others referred to them as, so the name stuck.
   Most of the Gourdians exist in a non-corporeal state, drifting through the boundaries between this universe and parallel realties, as well as this plane of existence, the spiritual realms, and the dimension that the Witchkind call home (generally considered part of the Realm of Fairies). They appear like floating, ghostly pumpkin with feet and occasional hats. They also manifest spindly arms with three-fingered hands when they need to wave or give someone the middle finger. Their faces appear as if they were carved out of their surface and it appears like there is a bright light glowing within them.
   Once a year, when the dimensional veils are weakened during the time some mortals describe as October 30th through November 2nd, the Gourdians cross over onto the Earth plane. While here, they are semi-corporeal, and they can interact with our world to a limited extent.

* Gourdians appear in groups of 3d4-2.
* Gourdians have a base Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores of 8, but each increases by 1 for each Gourdian that is assembled together (to a maximum of 18).
* Gourdians have 1 rank in all existing skills (attribute bonuses apply when appropriate).
* Gourdians are treated like 12th-level Fast Heroes (Rogues) for puroses of saving throws and attack rolls.
* Gouridans have 12 hit points. When reduced to 0 or less, they do not die, but instead become non-corporeal and are banished back to the spaces between dimensions.
* They can lift objects using the telekinesis spell, as a spell-like ability, at will. The can also use telekinesis offensively twice per day, four times on October 30th through November 2nd.
* When non-corporeal, Gourdians cannot be harmed nor can they do anything but observe their surroundings. They are invisible except to true seeing spells and spell-like abilities. They cannot be harmed in this state, except with a wish spell... and the only thing that can be done is that they must be wished out of existence.
* Gourdians can use fear as a spell-like ability twice per day, four times on October 30th through November 2nd.
* Gourdians can use planeshift as a spell-like ability twice per day, four times on October 30th through November 2nd.
* Gourdians have a permanent true seeing ability, and they can look into any dimension adjecent to the one they are currently in.
* Gourdians can cast bless or curse as spell-like abilities twice per day, four times on October 30th through November 2nd.
* Gourdians may grant a worthy person up to three wishes on October 31. (They usually do this for those who have sacrificed a great deal to to good deeds, or who combat evil against all odds.)
* Gourdians may initiate mental contact with any intelligent being that is within their lines of sight. The target hears a distant whisper, and the GM is to ask if the target chooses to listen. They can carrying on a mental conversation with a willing target for as long as 13 minutes, making themselves automatically understood in the target's native language. Only one Gourdian can be in contact with a target at a time, and they can only contact a single individual at a time. Unwilling targets may roll a Will save; if the save is successful, the Gourdian still makes contact but can only communicate for three minutes.
   Gourdians usually contact people they want to help, warn, or, in the case of evil beings who have incurred their wrath, terrorize... but sometimes they just want to chat or tell jokes. (They love telling bad jokes.)

One of the Witchkind, who is not amused by this Gourdian's jokes

Gourdians like spending time on Earth, especially on Halloween. Although they usually just hang around the Witchkind, they will sometimes roam far and wide, helping heroes and making life difficult for villains.
   Gourdians can be trapped using a special variant of the lesser planar binding spell and a specially prepared lamp (oil-burning or one that takes a candle). A single Gourdian can be trapped in a lamp, and the person who trapped it can force it to use its spell-like abilities on targets he or she specificies until the Gourdian has been forced to use three wishes. If the Gourdian is commanded to harm an Atlantean, one of the Witchkind, or other Gouridans, it is freed and will attack the person who trapped it. The Gourdian can also be liberated if the lamp holding it is smashed or targeted with dispel magic. A freed Gourdian will offer to grant wishes to the person who freed it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Balls of Yog-Sogoth

The Balls of Yog-Sogoth are a pair of perfect spheres of a smooth, white, semi-translucent crystaline substance. One can be comfortably cradled in the palm of an average adult male human's hand. Each glows softly with a white light that originates from the orb's center. Legend holds that the balls were dropped from the elder god Yog-Sogoth itself, and so they are highly sought after by the cults devoted to the various aspects of the entity. No one really knows their true origin, however.

A cultist handling a Ball of Yog-Sogoth

If subjected to a detect magic spell, the Balls of Yog-Sogoth radiate faint alteration and divination magic. No other magic short of a wish spell will reveal any additional information about the mysterious spheres. Seekers of knowledge must discover the power of the balls through their own experimentation, or by recovering and reading sacred scrolls possessed and jealously guarded by obscure cults, or perhaps an Immortal or two.
   To use the Balls of Yog-Sogoth, a user must old them in their hands. The balls function in different ways, depending on whether a user is handling one or two of them.
    One Ball: While cradling a single of Yog-Sogoth's balls, the character will receive a mental image of a magical item that is in his or her possession, or in the possession of a friend or ally. The charcter comes to know everything about the item as if he or she had cast an identify spell upon it. It takes 1d6 rounds for the vision to materalize. Once the user has realized this use of a ball, he or she can mentally picture specific items and gain information as if he or she had cast identify upon them.
   Drawback: For each item past the first that the user identifies within a 72-hour period, there is an increasing chance (10% on the second item, 30% on the third item, 50% on the fourth item, 70% on the fifth item, 90% on each additional items) that the user will collapse into a deep coma that lasts 1d6+1 days. Upon regaining consciousness, the character must roll a Fortitude save (DC18) or feel weakened to the point of suffering a -4 penalty to Strength and Constitution scores for 24 hours.
   Two Balls: While holding one of Yog-Sogoth's balls in each hand, the character can either envision a historical figure well-known contemporary figure, or someone with whom the character is personally acquainted, be it a friend or foe. After concentrating on the mental image of the person for 1d6+1 rounds, the character receives one of the following vividly detailed visions, as if he or she was present for the events and experienced them as the person did. (Roll 1d6 to determine which kind of vision.)

   1. The happiest moment of the person's childhood.
   2. The proudest moment of their youth.
   3. Their greatest achievement during their lifetime.
   4. The place the person felt most comfortable/spent most of their
        leisure time (if dead); where the person will be in exactly one day
        (if alive).
   5. The place where the person spent/spends the most time with the person
        they loved/love the most, as well as who that person is.
   6. The single event or secret that the person wants to keep hidden forever.

   Drawback: If the user tries to have more than one vision within a 72-hour period, there is an increasing chance (10% on the second vision, 30% on the third vision, 50% on the fourth vision, 70% on the fifth vision, 90% on each additional vision) that the user will collapse into a deep coma that lasts 1d6+1 days. Upon regaining consciousness, the character must roll a Fortitude save (DC18) or feel weakened to the point of suffering a -4 penalty to Strength and Constitution scores for 24 hours.
   Each additional vision within the 72-hour period is determined randomly, just like the first. If the same scene is rolled more than once, the user sees it from a different angle, perhaps even experiencing the scene as someone else did/does. Each reiteration reveals new details.

All text in this post is released under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2019 Steve Miller. (If you find this material useful or interesting, please purchase some of our actual products. It will encourage us to make more!)