Sunday, February 2, 2025

Something About Dragons and Two Magical Instruments

One of thing about being a dragon is that you have lots and lots and lots of time on your hands. As powerful beings who effectively can live forever (unless they run afoul gods, an army of seriously angry dwarves, or some other source of certain doom), existence itself can become boring. Ancient dragons deal with this growing risk of losing a zest for life in different ways. 

Brigid, an ancient red dragon, meditating in human form.

    Many aging dragons retreat into well-hidden and meticulously guarded places of refuge along with their most valuable and/or prized items from the treasures they've horded. Here, they sleep for centuries at a time, awakening once in a while to enjoy their treasured items and the memories associated with them. They might even venture out into the world to see what has changed and if there's anything new that can hold their interest. After a few weeks or months, these dragons return to their slumber.
   Other dragons leave our world, and even the Elemental Planes where many of them make their homes, to seek out the very edges of reality, beyond which it is believed that the Creator of All dwells--a being from whom dragons still want answers to questions from.
   Some dragons band together in conclaves, pooling their treasures and knowledge to entertain each other, settle disputes between younger dragons and magical societies, and to share wisdom with and guide the younger dragons onto less difficult paths than they trod. Sometimes, "lesser beings", such as normal humans, can be chosen by a conclave to benefit from their knowledge and wealth. (The largest of these conclaves has grown into a great magical city located in Australia, in a particularly isolated and frigid part of the Arthur Range of Tasmania. Maybe we'll tell you about it on the blog someday.)
   The rarest of ancient dragons do not withdraw from the world but instead keep learning and studying and creating, changing as the world around them changes. Some do this to amuse themselves, some do it out of a sense of duty to the "lesser beings", and some do it for a combination of the above. Even these energetic and creative ancient dragons will sometimes retreat into some distant mountain caves and slumber for decades or centuries surrounded by their favorite treasures.
   Not counting dragons who are in conclaves, there are currently 21 ancient dragons active in the modern world, all of them interacting with human civilization to one degree or another. There is one gold dragon (Count Ouro), three silver dragons (Argento, Gumus, and Hopea), five black dragons (Adalet, Cole, Iustus, Pravda, and Unmei), three blue dragons (Celeste, Dagda, and Taron), two green dragons (Dadirri and Nerthus), five red dragons (Azar, Branton, Brigid, Cyrus, and Enya),and three white dragons (Batak, Buzz, and Donmus) that travel around the world, visiting with each other and checking up on their various homes and any long-lived or Immortal friends they have.

Showing that ice and fire can co-exist, the white dragon Domus
visits with the red dragon Brigid at his home in Lappland (aka Sapmi).

   One of the most active of these dragons is a red dragon, Brigid. She has been mingling with humans since their earliest civilizations emerged in Morocco 350,000 years ago. Throughout the period, she has perfected the ability to mimic human forms; become proficient with nearly every human-made melee weapon invented; mastered 142 human martial arts styles and two dragon ones; has mastered every language spoken on Earth (including those of otherworldly beings such as Atlanteans and Olympians); become a virtuoso with 1,491 human-invented instruments and 10 dragon ones, as well as mastering 52 human singing styles; mastered 312 dance styles, with ballet, swing, and Irish dances being her favorites; writes music and lyrics in 563 different styles and 2,845 languages; become a master chef of 604 types of cuisine; learned to brew all kinds of alcoholic beverages discovered and consumed by humans; mastered the art of building 98 human musical instruments; mastered architecture and engineering, designing and personally overseeing the construction of the many different homes she's had over the millennia; mastered many different forms of graphic arts, jewelry-making, weapons-smithing, and gained at least some slight ability in nearly any other arts and crafts invented by humans; become an expert at enchanting magic items and brewing potions; and mastered all types of elemental magic, protection/warding magic, enchantment/charm magic, illusion magic, and divination magic, as well as gained some (comparatively) slight skill with evocation magic, necromantic magic and summoning magic.
   If this seems like a lot for one being to achieve (while traveling the world and engaging with human civilizations as they rise and fall), Brigid has been alive for more than 400,000 years. Also, unlike many of her kind, she has yet to feel compelled to rest on her treasure piles for centuries at a time; instead, the older she gets, the more energized and curious and creative she seems to become. It's as if her very life is a manifestation of the chaotic and uncontrollable nature and spirit of red dragons--she is growing more active and excited about the world around her as she ages, not falling victim to ennui like the typical dragon.
    Brigid maintains her passion for life by constantly looking for new things to learn about, spending festivals and holy days with humans living near her homes, and by applying the many skills she has mastered to creating works of art, musical instruments, weapons, and inventing unusual magic items. Two such items--both enchanted musical instruments--are described below, in d20 System terms.

Cyrus and Brigid, red dragons in human forms, jam in Brigid's home in China.

This item appears to be a vintage piano accordion that is both well-used and well-maintained. In the hands of a skilled player, it put out music that rivals that you'd expect from the very finest accordions. If examined with a detect magic spell, the instrument is seen to radiate strong enchantment magic with an undertone of protection magic.
   Functions: The Accordion of Good Times grants the musician playing it a +2 bonus to Perform (Accordion) skill checks, as well as a +4 to AC/DR versus thrown weapons and objects, such as rotten tomatoes. These bonuses last from the moment the character picks up the instrument to the moment he or she puts it down.
   Additionally, all who hear the music played following a successful Perform (Accordion) skill check on the part of the musician feel their spirits lifted and general outlook on life improved. Everyone hearing the music will also have a positive view on the performer unless the performer is found to be associated with someone they view as an enemy or attacks them in some way.
   If the performer shouts, "Let's all sing!", everyone hearing the music must roll a Will save (DC15) or sing along with him or her. The audience continues singing, feeling joyous and happy even if the performer stops singing but keeps playing. Once the performer stops playing, the crowd stops singing and breaks into cheers and applause. They also stop singing if attacked or confronted by some obvious danger. Unless the performer is the one attacking, those who sang along with him or her are considered to be under a charm person spell cast by the performer (caster level 12).
   If the performer says, "Everybody dance now!", everyone hearing the music must roll a Will save (DC15) or dance until the performer stops playing. Once the performer stops playing, the crowd stops dancing and breaks into cheers and applause. They also stop dancing if attacked or confronted by some obvious danger. The dancers respond to any threats by attacking back, gaining a +2 bonus to all attack rolls. Unless the performer is the one attacking, those who sang along with him or her are considered to be under a charm person spell cast by the performer (effective caster level 12).
   For three days (72 hours) after watching and listening to a character performing live, all who were present gain a +1 enchantment bonus to all saving throws and skill checks, because the feel happy to be alive.

This instrument is a finely built, bright red ukitar--a cross between a guitar and a ukelele, also known as a ukitar, with a sound that's closer to a guitar than a ukelele. It's smaller that a guitar and thus more portable, or more easily played by children and small beings like kobolds, dwarves and halflings. If examined with a detect magic spell, the instrument is found to radiate a powerful mingling of elemental and evocation magic 
   Functions: The Red Ukitar grants the musician playing it a +2 bonus to Perform (string instrument). If he or she spends at least one round playing the tune of a song involving fire as part of its topic, then plays and sings the song's refrain and/or lines involving fire while pointing the ukitar's arm at an intended target, a fireball streaks from the tip instrument as soon as the final syllable is uttered, striking the target for 4d6 points of fire damage (with a successful saving throw reducing the damage by half).
   The performer can cast up to three fireballs through the ukitar per day by following the process described above. If the campaign is set in the "real world" after 1960, if the performer uses "Great Balls of Fire" as the song, and prepares the launch of the fireball by ending with "... goodness gracious, great balls of fire!", the damage increases to 6d6+6. (with a successful saving throw reducing the damage by half).

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Metal Bands of Bolero

Brigid the Dragon has been traveling around Earth and the Elemental Planes for hundreds of thousands of years. She has been gifted, purchased, and plundered treasure and many unique artifacts and magic items that are now scattered across her ten active lairs and two more-or-less abandoned ones. She has collected even more books, scrolls, and stone tablets, both magical and non-magical. 
   One of the many unique items in her collection is the Metal Bands of Bolero.


This set of eight armbands made of an alloy of gafnium and gold was created by a Witchkind artificer, Davis Wachee. He spent almost three decades recording performances by his favorite hard rock/heavy metal bands and solo performers via magical means. Using further magic, he transformed the recordings into performances of one his favorite pieces of music, "Bolero" by Ravel, in the style of the musicians and bands.
   Brigid came into possession of the Metal Bands of Bolero following Wachee's death in 2014; he had willed a number of his unique creations to her, stating that she was only being in all the realities who would appreciate them as much as he had.
   Function: While wearing all eight armbands, with four on each arm, the character must hum a random bar from "Bolero" and roll a successful Wisdom attribute check (DC9) as a standard action. Immediately afterwards, the character starts to hear "Bolero" as it would be played by one of the world's top hard rock/heavy metal bands. Roll on the following table to determine which one:

Roll 1d20     Who is Heard Performing "Bolero"
1                    AC/DC
2                    Metallica
3                    Iron Maiden
4                    Led Zeppelin
5                    Black Sabbath
6                    Spinal Tap
7                    Deep Purple
8                    Completely random, not even on the list
9                    Scorpion
10                  Areosmith
11                  Uriah Heep
12                  Wyld Stallyns
13                  Faith No More
14                  Nightwish
15                  Twisted Sister
16                  At the Gates
17                  Manowar
18                  Mike Oldfield
19                  Children of Bodom
20                  Exodus

The wearer of the Metal Bands of Bolero can also choose a specific band to hear with a standard action and a successful Wisdom attribute check of DC12. That check can be the same one made to start the music, or it can be made in a subsequent round.
   The item's default function is that only the wearer can hear the music. The music can be caused to be heard by all by the wearer saying a number between 1 and 10. At "1", the music is very soft and can only be heard within 5 ft. of the wearer. At "10", the volume is that of a live performance in a concert hall or stadium. Ghostly, flickering images of the bad can be seen performing behind the wearer, and they seem to be the source of the music.
   If the wearer says "Take it to 11", all other creatures within a 60-foot radius must roll successful Fortitude saving throws (DC13) or be Stunned and Deafened for 2d6 rounds; and all other creatures within a 120-foot radius must roll successful Fortitude saving throws (DC11) or be Deafened for 2d6 rounds. The saving throw must be made every round subjects remain within the area of effect of the Bands of Bolero and not Stunned or Deafened. (If there are solid walls or floors between subjects and the wearer of the Bands of Bolero, the Fortitude saving throw is DC4.)

What the music produced by the Metal Bands of Bolero could sound like...


Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Dragon and the Presidents of the United States of America

Brigid is an ancient red dragon who enjoys being with humans.

Since 1701 A.D., Brigid the Dragon has maintained at least one dwelling ("lair" to the traditionalists) in what is presently the United States of America, with her oldest being in the mountains of Virginia. She has always loved the idea of a republic, and she found she loved it even more when a stripe of democracy was thrown into the mix. She REALLY loved the idea of branches of government being at odds with each other in certain ways, ensuring that the totalitarian bent that is so fundamental to humans wouldn't creep in. Well, it wouldn't creep in if humans weren't so easily corrupted by greed and lust for personal power and glory.

Since George Washington was first elected President of the United States in 1789, Brigid has been meeting with them shortly before they are to assume the office. Since the 1930s, she has tended to have the meeting take place with both the outgoing and incoming president, because she wants to be sure that there is no miscomprehension about the fact that so long as the American government remains centered in the Constitution, she would provide support to a president who has legitimate claim on the office. 

Joe Biden, Brigid, and Donald Trump in November of 2024

Her support is expected to be kept secret from the public, advisors, and anyone not approved by Brigid. Still, she works occasionally with the U.S. military and intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Basically, she's an open, but deeply classified government secret, like the existence of space aliens and Immortals. 

But what is the support Brigid offers? Aside from the perspective of a highly intelligent and creative being that is almost 400,000 years old, she grants a magical blessing to the President. Here is that blessing in d20 System terms, presented as a feat.

THE DRAGON'S BLESSING [Dragon Magic, Supernatural]
By sharing a drink and/or a meal with a mortal whom the dragon wants to help overcome great challenges, the dragon bestows a magical gift to the character. 
    Prerequisite: The character must be the leader, or key participant in executing, of some great enterprise that will benefit untold numbers of other mortals. The character must accept the invitation of the dragon to have the meeting and then must partake in the food and/or beverage the dragon offers.
The sharing of food and drink is a subtle ritual through which the dragon 
    Benefit: For a number of years predetermined by the dragon (4, 8, 12, 16, or 20), the recipient of the Dragon's Blessing gains the following bonuses:
    * +4 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive skill checks
    * +2 bonus to all other Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based skill checks
    * +1 bonus to all Dexterity- and Constitution-based skill checks.
    The bonuses last from the person's first day undertaking the mighty task and/or playing an important role in the organization to which the belong, through the exact end of the period specified. The blessing ends early if the recipient breaks promises made, acts against the expected morality or purpose that the recipient is supposed to defend/working toward.
    Special: This feat temporarily replaces another feat the character possesses that gives bonuses to skill checks; the player of the character gets to choose which one is replaced. Dragon's Blessing overrides the specified feat until the end of the duration set by the dragon. If the character loses the benefits of the feat through actions contrary to his or her vows and duties, the other feat still remains ineffective until the duration of the blessing has ended. 
   While the blessing is in effect, the character can choose to shift this feat into a feat slot gained through level advancement instead of choosing a new feat. The feat that was replaced by the Dragon's Blessing once again provides a benefit in this case. When the Dragon's Blessing ends, the feat slot opens, and the player must choose another feat to fill it.

And to round out this post, here are a few pictures of Brigid with U.S. presidents of the past many years, mostly while meeting them either in her Virginia or Arizona homes. Two of the three are among her favorite presidents. Can you guess which two?

Brigid and Barack Obama in August of 2011

Brigid and Barack Obama in April of 2014

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Barack Obama in November of 2016

Barack Obama, Brigid, and Donald Trump in November of 2016

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Barack Obama in January of 2017

Donald Trump and Brigid in October of 2019

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Joe Biden in January of 2021

Joe Biden and Brigid in March 2021

Brigid and Barack Obama in September of 2021

Brigid and Joe Biden in November 2021

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Barack Obama in April of 2022

Joe Biden and Brigid in July of 2022

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Barack Obama in October of 2022

Joe Biden and Brigid in December of 2022

Brigid and Joe Biden in February of 2023

Joe Biden and Brigid in May of 2023

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Barack Obama in September of 2023

Joe Biden and Brigid in November of 2023

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Barack Obama in July of 2024

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Joe Biden in January of 2024

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Brigid the Dragon & King Arthur's Coconut Shell

When not looking for human parties to crash or otherwise being entertained by the activities and creativity of lesser beings, the ancient red dragon known as Brigid in her human form spends much of her time creating quirky magic items. She either gives these away as presents, or places in the path of treasure hunters in the hopes they'll be mistaken for important artifacts. This is her latest creation.

This item consists of two parts, each of which resemble gold-plated half coconut shells. At first glance, they appear to be a pair of odd ashtrays--and they certainly can be used as such--but they are far more than that. When examined using Detect Magic, the half-shells both radiate strong Alteration/Transmuation magic.
   Functions: When each half of "King Arthur's Coconut Shells" are held in one of the user's hands, and then clapped together in a rhythmic fashion, a sound similar to that made by the hooves of a trotting horse. So long as the user keeps making a clip-clop sound with the shells by striking them together, he or she and one other target can travel at a speed of 10 miles/hour across any terrain a horse would be able to traverse. The user must keep a continuous beat or the rate of travel will slow and the pair will come to a stop within two rounds, just as if they had pulled the reigns back on horses.
Neither the user nor the targeted second person become fatigued while under the effects of the "Coconut Shells", but the user must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC13) every hour. If the roll fails to match or exceed 13, the users arms are sore, the beat becomes unsteady and the rate of travel is reduced to 8 miles/hour. If the check fails at the end of the next hour, the rate of travel is reduced to 4 miles/hour. A third failed check means the "horses" need rest, and the pair must take a break of at least an hour.
   Trivia: This magic item was inspired by one of Brigid's favorite movies, "Monte Python and the Holy Grail". She's not sure what she'll do with this creation. For now, she's having fun, in human form, trotting back and forth across the rocky plains near her home in northern Arizona.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Meet Elida and Hanna, Wanderers and Cultist Killers

Elida and her little sister Hanna were sold by their impoverished parents to a demonic cult when they were 7 and 5 years old respectively. For almost ten years, the cultists prepared them as sacrifices to their dark god, putting them through painful rituals and covering their bodies with tattoos of mystic scripts, spells, and demonic symbols. All the pain inflicted was meticulously described in ancient texts and the cult followed it with exacting specificity.

Then came to prophesized day when the evil god was to walk the land and claim the souls of mortals as its eternal servants and granting vast power to those who had given him the most through their service. Hundreds of cultists converged upon the ritual site from across the continent, Elida and Hanna were drugged and placed at the center of the ritual circle, the sky opened up, the dark lord descended, and every single cultist burst into flames where they stood, screaming as they were reduced to ash.

"Thank you, Those Who Were Chosen," the dark god's voice rumbled like distant thunder. "These souls will tend to my needs for hundreds of your years. Go forth and wield this power as you will!"

True to the prophesy, those who had given the dark god the most--Elida and Hanna--were granted powers beyond what most mortals can dream of.

Both girls were granted the skills and combat abilities of 15th level thieves and the spellcasting abilities of a 10th level cleric. Further, if their tattoos are left uncovered, once per day, they can cause up to 1d6+1 of them to leave their bodies and fight for them.

Elida the Wanderer

Hanna the Wanderer

Elida purposefully wears clothing styled so at least her tattoos of a monstrous centaur and a dimension-hopping giant spider are always exposed. Meanwhile, Hanna stays as covered up as possible, only removing her full-length jacket when faced with overwhelming odds.

For the past year, the girls have wandered from city to city, rooting out evil cults, taking steps to make better lives for impoverished or abused children, and rallying the people against oppressive lords.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, the Dragon Gave to Me...

Twelve Drummers Drumming
This gift is a pair of large drumsticks for use with marching drums. They come wrapped with a tag featuring the recipient's name on one side and a note on the other: "Tap these together three times to get the beat going.", both written in a flourish-rich cursive. The wrapping paper and tag are not magical, but the drumsticks radiate strong Summoning and Illusion magic with an undercurrent of Divination.

   Functions: If the recipient of the Twelve Drummers Drumming taps the drumsticks together while outside or in a large open space, such as an auditorium, or out-of-doors, a twelve-member drumline in (more or less) matching uniforms appear out of thin air. The drummers carry a mix of drums--snare drums, tenor drums, tenor quads, bass drums, tabla drums, and even mridangam drums and bongo drums on occasion. The drummers are always led by an exuberant Brigid. (It's most likely just a magical copy, but every so often she shows up in person to join in the fun.) 
   The drumline plays for a maximum 40 minutes. If summoned outside, they march toward a population center or around the immediate area, playing thrilling drum music the whole time, with Brigid cheering and dancing out in front. If summoned indoors, they either stay in one location--if they were summoned in a concert hall, lobby, or similar chamber--or they march throughout the building, visiting every floor within it before heading out the main entrance and marching around the outside of the structure, playing music their instruments the whole time.
   The mix of drums in the drumline remains roughly the same from summoning to summoning, with only the unique drums changing--and with them some of the numbers performed by the musicians as they march. Roll on the following table to see what the variable drum is (and whether or not the real Brigid is performing with the magically created musicians).

1d12 Result                Drums and Dragon
1-3                               Bongo drums
4                                  The real Brigid with a bongo drum
5-7                               Mridangam drums
8                                  The real Brigid with a tenor drum
9-11                             Tabla drums
12                                The real Brigid, with a set of tabla drums on one hip and 
                                    a bongo drum on the other.

   As mentioned above, the drumline plays for up to 40 minutes. It then vanishes as suddenly as it appears. Brigid briefly appears next to the summoner to and says that she is available to provide lessons in playing any type of drums that the character and any friends wish to learn, to entertain them on tabla drums, or to play drums as part of a rock or jazz band the summoner is a member of.
   If the drumline is attacked, they panic and begin to scatter in all directions. Unless blocked from escape, each drummer runs for one minute, then vanishes. The Brigid Look-a-Like is the only one who will stand and fight, but she is struck down immediately by the first successful attack; each drummer has only 2 hit points and any attack directed at them, except an outright Botch, always hits. The bodies of slain drummer members remain for one minute before fading away to nothing.
   The drumline can be summoned 24 different times during the year going from January 1 through December 31. The Brigid Look-a-Like can be called any number of times to entertain, provide drum lessons, or to play with the band. She remains for up to 10 hours or when dismissed.
   The Brigid Look-a-Like only has 2 hit points and behaves as described above if attacked. She will use her drumsticks as weapons, attacking two-handed style as a 1st level Bard/Charismatic Hero, and dealing 1d2 points of damage with each successful hit. Whenever the Brigid Look-a-Like is summoned, the GM should roll 2d12. On a roll of 24, the real Brigid shows up to hang out with the characters. Woe to anyone who attacks her, as she has far more than 2 hit points... and won't hesitate to make the attackers regret their life choices.


Saturday, January 4, 2025

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas, the Dragon Gave to Me...

Eleven Pipers Piping
This gift is a gold lapel pin that resembles a bagpipe. It is received in a small jewelry box, wrapped with a red bow with a gift tag with the recipient's name written on it on one side and the phrase "Touch and say 'The pipes, the pipes are calling'" in a flourish-rich handwriting. If examined with detect magic, it radiates a strong mix of Illusion and Summoning magic, with a hint of Divination.

   Functions: If the person who is gifted this item follows the instructions on the tag, he or she hears faint music... maybe hornpipes? Maybe recorders? Maybe bagpipes? 
   The following round, if the character is in a large area or somewhere outdoors, a marching band of 11 men and women in matching (more or less) uniforms blinks into existence. If the character thought of a particular composer or band or piece of music while summoning the musicians, they immediately play music to match what the character was thinking of. If nothing is specified, they play Christmas music with the occasional tune from the obscure musical Dance Crazy mixed in. 
   The band plays for 40 minutes. If summoned outside, they march toward a population center or around the immediate area, playing music the whole time. If summoned in doors, they either stay in one location--if they were summoned in a concert hall or similar chamber--or they march throughout the building, visiting every floor within it before heading out the main entrance and marching around the outside of the structure, playing music their instruments the whole time.
   The instruments carried by the band vary from summoning to summoning, and they are determined by rolling against the following table. (As you can see, there is also a 50 percent chance that the band will be led by a musician who appears to be Brigid the Dragon in human form. It is not, however, her.)

1d12 Result        Instruments Played
1                          Bagpipes
2                          Bagpipes, band led by look-a-like of Brigid
3                          Hornpipes
4                          Hornpipes, band led by look-a-like of Brigid
5                          Recorders
6                          Recorders, band led by look-a-like of Brigid
7                          Fujaras
8                          Fujaras, band led by look-a-like of Brigid
9                          Bagpipes and Recorders
10                        Bagpipes and Recorders, band led by look-a-like of Brigid
11                        Bagpipes and Fujaras
12                        Bagpipes and Fujaras, band led by look-a-like of Brigid

   As mentioned above, the band plays for up to 40 minutes before fading away, with the music fading as well. The leader of the band briefly appears next to the summoner to and says that he or she is available to provide lessons in playing any wind instrument that the character and any friends wish to learn.
   If the band is attacked, they panic and begin to scatter in all directions. Unless blocked from escape, each band member runs for one minute, then vanishes. The Brigid Look-a-Like is the only one who will stand and fight, but she is struck down immediately by the first successful attack; each member of the band has only 2 hit points and any attack directed at them, except an outright Botch, always hits. The bodies of slain band members remain for one minute before fading away to nothing.
   The full band can be summoned eleven different times during the year going from January 1 through December 31. The Brigid Look-a-Like or other band leaders can be called any number of times to entertain the summoner and guests, or to provide lessons, with whatever instrument wind instrument is specified. The band leader remains for up to 10 hours or when dismissed.
   Whichever band leader is summoned (be it a random one, or the Brigid Look-a-Like), the musician only has 2 hit points and behaves as described above if attacked. If unable to run away, the summoned character will use its instrument as a weapon, attacks as a 1st level Bard/Charismatic Hero, and deals 1d2 points of damage with each successful hit. 
   Whenever the Brigid Look-a-Like is summoned, the GM should roll 2d12. On a roll of 24, the real Brigid shows up to give music lessons and hang out with the characters. Woe to anyone who attacks her, as she will not flee and she has far more than 2 hit points.

   If the lapel pin of Eleven Pipers Piping is regifted or stolen, it loses all magical properties.