Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2024

On the Fourth Day of Christmas, the Dragon Gave to Me...

Four Calling Birds
This piece of artwork is perfect for mantlepieces, coffee tables, or shelving units that aren't completely filled with books. It consists of four blackbird statuettes made from carefully shaped obsidian that are mounted on a slab of polished marble. If subjected to detect magic, the item radiates moderate illusion magic.

   Function: When placed inside the home or place of work of the owner of the Four Calling Birds, if he or she, or any person there with permission, says the word "Sing", the sculpture starts playing the speaker's favorite genre of music at a soft volume. By saying "Louder" or "Quieter", the character can adjust the volume up or down. The music continues until the character leaves the location or he or she says "Silence".
   The user of the Four Calling Birds can direct it to play music by a specific composer, band, rock group, singer--any music performed by any human, anywhere on Earth, at any time. The user must say "Sing and Play Falco".  The music doesn't even have to exist as a recording anywhere, nor does the performers of it need to be well-known. Any music that has been performed anywhere by anyone can be channeled through the magic of the Four Calling Birds.
   If the music exists (or existed at one time) as recordings, the user can specify collections by title, or series of albums and performances by mentioned specific years, such as "Sing and play music composed by Mike Oldfield from 1985 through 2015." In this example, the selection will be random, but it will all be performed by Mike Oldfield together with supporting vocalists and musicians. Also, when genres or a broad selection of a particular band or artist is played, any Christmas music that falls under those parameters is mixed in among the rest, no matter what time of year it is.
   If a user asks the Four Calling Birds to play Christmas music, the recording you can hear by clicking below is always in the mix somewhere. It also happens to be "Brigid's Happy Christmas Theme" if the film version of The Dragon Who Loves Christmas ever gets made!

Friday, December 27, 2024

On the Third Day of Christmas, the Dragon Gave to Me...

Three French Hens
This is one of twelve magic items that Brigid, the Dragon Who Loves Christmas, has invented after being inspired by "The Twelve Days of Christmas song. It is one of the more powerful ones, but it also leaves those upon whom it is gifted a little confused when they initially are gifted with it.

Brigid, the Dragon Who Loves Christmas, also loves kindhearted humans.
She gets enjoyment out of creating magic items and giving them as gifts.

   The Three French Hens is a finely crafted feather duster with an ornate dowel handle made from stained hard wood and a brush consisting of cockatrice feathers. When first acquired, it radiates a strong auras of summoning and transmutation magic with a hint of divination magic present also.

   Functions: To activate the Three French Hens, the character must be inside a place of residence or business. He or she then swipes its feathers once over a flat surface that might accumulate dust. The feather duster then disappears and three young women in French maid outfits, carrying a variety of housekeeping and cleaning items, appear in the room. They greet the character in French and then go about cleaning the home, office, or business.
   It takes the maids ten minutes to clean each room in the residence or commercial space, no matter how messy, filthy, or large it is. Each hallway and stairway takes five minutes. The maids leave each area they access exceptionally clean with everything organized and in its proper places. Whatever dust, dirt, debris (or worse) that the maids clean and sweep away is transmuted into magical energy and used to power the enchantments on the Three French Hens.
   The maids clean the entire residence or business area, but not the entire building if it contains multiple homes or business spaces operated by others. Once their work is done, the three maids vanish as suddenly as they appeared, and the Three French Hens reappears on the surface it was being used upon to trigger the summoning.
  The physical appearance of the French maids vary from summoning to summoning. Here are some examples:

   While the three maids are cleaning, they are constantly talking to each other in French. Some of the conversation is about their latest dates, but some of it is about celebrity scandals that are unfolding or some politician's transgression against his or her self-declared morals. (This constant chatter is where the name of the item is drawn from; Brigid thought it was an amusing idiomatic pun. Another joke that Brigid has built into the item is that there's a small chance that one of the magical maids bears a strong resemblance to her human form. Whenever the item is used, one of the Three French Hens looks like Brigid if 30 is rolled on 3d10.)
   If the owner and user of the Three French Hens knows French, he or she will be able to ask the maids one question per Charisma bonus point. They will chatter and gossip about the topic for 1d6+2 minutes before providing an answer. The quality of the answer varies randomly according to a random d6 roll.

Roll    Three French Hens Answer
1          Completely accurate.
2          Somewhat accurate but with random rumor added.
3          Somewhat accurate but with false sexual aspect added.
4          Completely inaccurate and very salacious.
5          Completely inaccurate and so ridiculous it is obviously not true.
6          Completely accurate.

   The summoned maids clean the domicile or commercial space they've been summoned into without question or hesitation, be it picking up the aftermath of a rave or cleaning up the site of a gory mass murder. Their cleaning and straightening methods are marked with the sort of precision that a dragon inventories his or her hoard.
   The maids will never initiate combat. If even one of them is attacked, all three vanish. The attacker is subjected to a curse that inflicts a -3 to all skill checks and attack rolls until the attacker finds a dragon to cast remove curse on him or her.
   During a 12-month period that goes from February 1 through January 31 (roughly, with about a two-week window of variance from the third week of January through the first week of February), the Three French Hens can typically be used a total of 12 times. Whether the owner uses the item once a day or once a month, it stops working after its 12th use. However, on December 25, it becomes active again and is recharged with 12 more uses/charges. (The item never has more than 12 charges. Even if charges remain on December 24, the number resets to 12.)
Brigid always needs to call upon the Three French Hens on Christmas Day.


Thursday, December 26, 2024

On the Second Day of Christmas, the Dragon Gave to Me...

Two Turtle Doves
This pair of small silver lapel pins are identical representation of a dove in flight. If detect magic is used on them, they radiate abjuration and summoning magic. The two turtle doves is treated as one item, but the two pins that it consists of it is intended to be used by two different individuals.

   Function: When worn on a character's collar or lapel, it grants a +1 bonus to all Bargain, Bluff, and Diplomacy skill checks, as the item's enchantment makes the wearer seem inherently more likable.
   Perhaps an even more important function of two turtle doves is that it provides a magical link between the person to whom two turtle doves was gifted by Brigid and a person that is given one of the two pins to wear. The two characters can, by taking a full round action and picturing the other person in his or her mind, get a sense of how that person is physically and mentally--whether they are injured, scared, sleeping, unconscious, and so on. On the round immediately following, the character may take a second full round action to cause him- or herself to be magically transported to a safe location within line-of-sight of the other wearer of a turtle dove pin. If it is not possible to appear in a safe location within line-of-sight, the character appears as closely as possible. A successful Listen or Search skill check (DC dependent on location) will give him or her enough clues to discern where the one they've come to help is.
   Trivia: Brigid created this item to partially mimic a dragon's ability to locate things they are very familiar with and very fond of (a particular coin, a favorite magic sword, a loyal friend, and so on).

"Friends look out for each other. Friends are the greatest treasure!"

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Twelve Days of the Christmas Dragon

Brigit is what an ancient red dragon calls herself when she assumes human form to interact with mortals. Although she spends most of her time in her isolated dwelling in the mountains of northern Arizona, every December and January, she travels the Earth non-stop to visit as many places and share her love of Christmas with as many people as possible. 

The Dragon Who Loves Christmas with her treasure hoard.

Unlike most of her kind, Brigit is fond of humanity and their ever-changing ways and seemingly boundless creativity. She has always enjoyed taking part in their Winter Festivals, and has loved Christmas since villagers invited her share their celebration early in the 9th century A.D. If she visits a town or attends a dinner or party where the Christmas spirit is in the air, things become so magical and festive that those who were present will tell stories about it for years. There will likewise be talk if she comes to a town or enters a home where the spirit of Christmas is being violated with cruelty and selfishness. When encountering such, Brigit first tries to convince the wrong-doers to mend their behavior and outlooks. When that fails, which it almost always does, because Brigit's human form is that of a cute and unimposing young woman with messy red hair and lots of freckles, she reveals her true self and brings a level of terror and destruction to that time and place such as only a red dragon is capable of.

"You better watch out. You better be nice. You won't like me when I'm angry."

Centuries ago, a rhyming game played by human children at Christmas time inspired Brigid to create a set of 12 magic items that reflect the game. As with almost everything Christmas related, her source of inspiration has morphed and changed over time and it is now the Christmas carol known as "The Twelve Days of Christmas".

Brigid makes one or more of the items every month during the year, and, at Christmas time. She gives them out as presents to mortals that were either particularly generous to her or selflessly sacrificing to promote the well-being of others, or to individuals she feels could benefit from and deserve the help the magic item can provide.

Click on the links below to read descriptions and RPG mechanics for each of Brigid's "Twelve Days of Christmas"-themed magic items.
First Day           Second Day           Third Day
Fourth Day        Fifth Day               Sixth Day
Seventh Day      Eighth Day            Ninth Day
Tenth Day          Eleventh Day        Twelfth Day

NUELOW at Christmas: Merry Christmas!

Santa Claus has finished his annual rounds and all the stockings of the good kids have been stuffed! Now, he is spending some time relaxing with Snoop Dogg before heading over to their mutual friend Brigit's place to meet up with Mrs. Claus to begin their annual vacation.


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Merry Christmas!

Every year, Brigid the Christmas Dragon makes a point of singing Christmas carols with her long-time friend Snoop Dogg and immortalizing the moment with a photo. Here they are on Christmas Eve, 2020!

The songs? They vary from year to year, but there are always at least three and one of them is always Brigid's favorite Christmas carol. Click here to hear it as she performs it.

(All images featured in the 2024 Christmas posts were generated using computer programs. Snoop Dogg isn't actually friends with Brigid the Christmas Dragon, nor has he ever had his picture taken with her.)

NUELOW at Christmas: Merry Christmas

Brigid the Christmas Dragon has been visiting rapper Snoop Dogg on Christmas since he was a child. When Snoop converted to Rastafarianism, he took to celebrating Christmas in January, which thrilled Brigid because it gave her more time to spend with him and his family.

Here are Brigid and Snoop in 2015, keeping alive their tradition of singing a few Christmas carols and having their time together memorialized in a photo.

(All images featured in the 2024 Christmas posts were generated using computer programs. Snoop Dogg isn't actually friends with Brigid the Christmas Dragon, nor has he ever had his picture taken with her.)

(All images featured in the 2024 Christmas posts were generated using computer programs. Snoop Dogg isn't actually friends with Brigid the Christmas Dragon, nor has he ever had his picture taken with her.)

NUELOW at Christmas: Happy Christmas!

 Since he was a child, rapper and songwriter Snoop Dogg has spent a few hours each Christmas with Brigid the Christmas Dragon. Here's a photo of their get-together on Christmas Eve 2009!

(All images featured in the 2024 Christmas posts were generated using computer programs. Snoop Dogg isn't actually friends with Brigid the Christmas Dragon, nor has he ever had his picture taken with her.)

NUELOW at Christmas: Merry Christmas!

Brigid the Christmas Dragon has been friends with rapper and song writer Snoop Dogg since he was 11 years old. She has always stopped in to visit him around Christmas time, and now she is close with his children and their families as well.

Although the pair had always enjoyed singing Christmas carols together and to each other, it wasn't until 1999 that Snoop hit upon the idea of immortalizing their once-a-year joyful reunions with a photo. On this Christmas Eve, we are going to share those with the world for the very first time!

Here's Brigid and Snoop on Christmas Eve 1999.

(All images featured in the 2024 Christmas posts were generated using computer programs. Snoop Dogg isn't actually friends with Brigid the Christmas Dragon, nor has he ever had his picture taken with her.)

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Twenty-Four

Merry Christmas everyone! Whether you celebrate it or not, we here at NUELOW Games hope that the next couple of days are as happy and bright for you as if Brigid the Christmas Dragon had shown up on your doorstep wanting to spend it with you!

And speaking of Brigid and Christmas, here's a little bit about...

Some music to set the mood...

It was the year 803AD. Brigid had been walking among humans, cloaking her true nature in a form that appeared harmless to them, as they evolved from cave dwellers to builders of mighty towers and beyond. Of all humanity's creations and quirky habits, it was their Winter Festivals that she loved the most. Over the past many decades, these Winter Festivals were increasingly transforming into Christmas, and Brigid was growing a bit anxious that humanity might abandon something she loved about them.

But, on Christmas Eve of 803AD, Brigid came to the defense of a small Christian village in southern Jylland that a Viking chieftain had marked to be a blood sacrifice (and grand gift) to Odin for Yule.
After defeating the Viking attackers--briefly abandoning her human form to do so, she was invited to join the Christmas celebration. They asked her to join them in thanks, despite having witnessed her true form and her terrifying destructive powers. From that day forward, Brigid was in love with Christmas.
Here's a table to randomly generate the threat that ruins the heroes' Christmas. You may not have time to run it this year (unless you actually know what the Twelve Days of Christmas are), but maybe next year. Or maybe for "Christmas in July"!

  1. An old foe they thought long gone returns for revenge.
  2. An old foe they thought long dead returns at the head of an army of zombies.
  3. An old foe begs for their help to stop an even worse evil.
  4. While dinner is cooking, the oven mysteriously malfunctions, and fire elementals escape onto the Prime Material Plane.
  5. While dinner is cooking, the oven mysteriously malfunctions and reanimates the Christmas meal as a fiery, murderous beast-zombie.
  6. While dinner is cooking, the oven mysteriously malfunctions and causes everyone gathering for the Christmas dinner (and the entire house they're in) to be transported to Hell.
  7. Santa has been kidnapped by vengeful Martians, and it's up to the heroes to save him and Christmas!
  8. Santa's Daughter, Sugarplum, has been kidnapped by her crazed ex-boyfriend and Santa has come to the heroes for help.
  9. Cultists have summoned Narlahohohotep--the Caroler Out of Space--at Nakatomi Plaza. Brigid the Christmas Dragon comes to the heroes for help in stopping the end of the world.
 10. Santa's Reindeer have been stolen.
 11. A serial killer is on the loose!
 12. Roll two more times on the table, ignoring and rerolling duplicate results and additional results of 12. Both things converge to ruin the heroes' Christmas!

And while the heroes may feel like they're Two Steps from Hell, it's Christmas! So everything will hopefully turn out right in the end!

Monday, December 23, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Twenty-Three

When Jesus got together with Santa for their annual pre-Christmas lunch meeting, Jesus not only brought a gift for Santa--surprising old Saint Nick who is always giving but never getting the gifts--but he revealed his plans for this year's Night of Good Cheer: "I am going to bring gifts to those who are perpetually on your naughty list. I will also bring them forgiveness!"

This year, the Son of God is...

Jesus decided to begin his trek at the furthest point from Heaven--Hell. Here, he gave gifts to demons of various kinds, including the succubae.

He ventured into the Dreamrealm, a dimension that overlaps with ours, and brought gifts to some of the darkest beings that exist there and haunt the nightmares and infest the more twisted side of mortals' imaginations.



He then moved onto slightly less evil beings--politicians!


From the politicians, he sought out a Mad Scientist and the blood-thirsty, time-traveling android she created (and that than immediately ran wild).


He then sought out the strange and legendary creatures that live on the fringes of human society... and which often prey upon the unwary.

He met Bigfoot...
... he faced (sort of) the Slender Man...

... he got his feet wet with the Maiden of the Moon Pool...

... he brought a smile to the face of the Swamp Beast...

... and he calmed the fury of the Wolfman. All through the joy of Christmas



Finally, he has the gift of comfort and joy to YOU, the readers and gamers who enjoys what NUELOW Games has to offer.


Saturday, December 21, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Twenty-One

Here's a Christmas-flavored adventure idea for a modern setting that contains magic.

Someone is murdering the families of witnesses against Papa Jambo, the reputedly magic-using crimelord who is currently on trial for multiple murders. Despite heavy police protection, the assassins are still managing to infiltrate the homes and murder the families in their sleep; in one case, they even killed one of the officers on the protective detail.

After these shadowy assassins kill a pair of evidence technicians at a crime scene, the player characters are called in to help the investigation. Upon inspecting the crime scenes, they find one thing in common: Each home has an Elf on the Shelf doll in it... and at one point, one of the characters is attacked by one of the toys after it animates. (Use Kobold stats, 1d4 points of damage with a knife or some other sharp household object).

With some investigation, the characters discover that the Elf on the Shelf dolls were all sent to the family from the same downtown address, even if the packages all appeared to come from a variety of hard-to-contact relatives.

Upon visiting the warehouse, the party is attacked by 24 murderous Elf on the Shelf dolls. They attack in groups of 1d6+1 until all are destroyed. Further investigation of the warehouse reveals other addresses to which killer dolls were sent that morning, as well as the following (roll 1d4):

   1. That Papa Jambo's apprentice is animating the dolls and that he has moved to a different location with 48 more... which will be sent to judges and other law enforcement officials if he has the chance.
   2. That one of Papa Jambo's rivals are trying to frame him for the murders--and that rival is an even stronger and more evil sorcerer than Jambo.
   3. Family members or loved ones of the player characters have been targeted to recieve killer Elf on the Shelf dolls... and that they may already be in their homes!
   4. The Papa Jambo on trial is a look-a-like impostor and that the real crimelord is at a secret location, plotting a monstrous revenge that will turn Christmas Eve into a bloodbath!

Friday, December 20, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Twenty

For a number of centuries, a set of related magical items believed to be the property of Santa Claus has been changing hands and drifting through the underground market for supernatural items. Only rarely have they been collected in one place, and it is the goal of many collectors to own all six items in the set. Some, like Brigid the Christmas Dragon, want to acquire them so they can return them to Santa as a present, but most want the bragging rights.
   Below, we present the Six Artifacts of Santa Claus as viewed through the lense of the d20 Game System. (The descriptions of the six items are released under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its term.)

Giant Candy Cane of Peacemaking: This giant candy cane functions like a great hammer and deals 1d12 non-lethal bludgeoning damage. There are no bonuses to hit or damage rolls, but a target that is struck must make a successful Wisdom saving throw (DC22) or be frozen in place. The target is aware of everything happening around them, but unable to move in any way other than to breathe. The target is held in place until the wielder of the candy cane releases him or her from the enchantment (with a standard action), until dispel magic with a 20th level effectiveness is cast on the target, or until 12 hours have passed from the moment the target failed the Wisdom saving throw.

Santa’s Bag of Christmas Gifts: This is a bag of holding with 600 lbs. of weight available. Gifts can be taking out of the bag as a free action. The gift is always something the person it is intended for wants or needs.

Santa’s Boots: These heavy black boots paradoxically provide the wearer a +4 bonus to Stealth skill checks, at will the wearer can choose to leave no tracks in snow. The boots resize to fit whoever puts them on.

Santa's Hat: This red, fur-lined bobble hat appears like one of the most iconic symbols of Christmas. It grants the wearer the ability to unerringly identify the current location of a being whose true name is known to him or her, as well as the place that being considers its home.

Santa's Overcoat: This red long coat provides the wearer immunity to natural cold temperatures or from getting cold from being wet. When fully buttoned, Santa's Overcoat also grants a +2 bonus to AC/DR, +1 bonus to most saving throws, and a +4 bonus to saving throws made to resist air- water- and cold-based spell-effects and spell-like abilities.
   Santa's Overcoat is made for a tall, broad-shouldered, corpulent man, but it adjusted slightly if a smaller person wears it... but it still appears to be ill-fitting on anyone but Santa himself.

In reality, the six items described in this article were actually made by Brigid the Christmas Dragon because she wanted to fill in for Santa Claus if he ever needed help. The items were stolen from her original lair in France, on Christmas Eve of 1792 when it was penetrated by revolutionaries as the Reign of Terror was taking shape. She has been trying to recover them ever since, not because she necessarily wants to give them to Santa, but because she thinks he will laugh at them if her creations were ever put side by side with the spectacularly wondrous magical items he uses to deliver gifts and happiness all around the world.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Nineteen


The world's leading assassin, Madam Satan, is hired to kill Santa Claus. Confronting St. Nick awakens memories of Christmases long gone, and, in turn, brings a long-dormant part of her soul back to life. She turns from predator to protector... but will she be able to save Santa and the very heart of Christmas itself from the 12 killers that were brought in by the client to replace her?


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Eighteen

Dozens of centuries ago, a red dragon who is known as Brigid fell in love with the human winter festivals that eventually became Christmas. She continues her love affair with Christmas, and she has taken to spending some of her time creating magic candles that she secretly places in places where people of good cheer and kindness gather. Humans, when they notice them, have taken to referring to these mysterious magic items as candles of peace.

Brigid also uses the candles herself, placing them all over the part of her lair that is visible to humans. She sometimes invites heroes (such as the player characters) and disadvantaged children to spend all of Christmas Eve waiting up for Santa with her... and there's a 1d6 chance that he shows up slightly before dawn to visit with his biggest and oldest fan and those she think are worthy of getting gifts from him.

The rest of this post is presented under the Open Game License, and it presents rules for candles of peace for use in the d20 System and D&D compatible games.

Candle of Peace
Candles of Peace are found in churches and shrines to good-aligned deities. No one knows how they are created or by whom. They just seem to appear in dark corners  bundles of 2d4+4, on random festival days for the deity a given shrine, church, or temple is devoted to. If subjected to detect magic, candles of peace radiate faint auras of divine magic, but nothing more specific can be determined. Roll 1d6 to determine what color the candles are: 1-2 red; 3-4 white; 5-6 green.
   When lit, a candle of peace provides a +2 bonus to Will saves to resist fear effects, and a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves to resist disease, venoms, and poisons (magical and non-magical) within a 10-foot radius and sight of the candle's flame. Each candle can burn a total of 48 hours before completely expended. It can be lit and extinguished any number of times during that period. (Each time it is lit, the GM can assume that a minimum of 1/4 of an hour  of burn time is spent.)
   A candle of peace cannot be wet or submerged in water to work. It can be used to ignite flammable materials and substances. It can be extinguished by any means that would extinguish a normal candle.
   Up to four candles of peace can be lit at the same time and their benefits will stack, for a maximum bonus of +8. They cannot be more than 4 inches apart for the bonuses to stack. The radius of the effect never expands beyond the 10-foot radius.

Best Holiday wishes from your friends at NUELOW Games! Here's Mike Oldfield's fabulous version of "Silent Night" to help set the mood!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Seventeen

When she walks among humans, she calls herself "Brigid" in honor of a goddess she once knew. Her real name is too long and complicated for lesser beings to pronounce, so she doesn't even bother to tell them.

Brigid is one of the oldest living beings on Earth. Brigid is an ancient dragon.... an ancient red dragon. Unlike most of her kind, she not retreated to the elemental planes with the Titans and other ancient races who were driven from Earth by the Atlanteans. Instead, she has spent tens of thousands of years observing humanity as it developed from cave-dwelling scavengers to masters of the Earth and becoming capable of destruction on a level that not even red dragons can conceive of in their darkest imaginings.

Brigid first became interested in humanity when she noticed they had "tamed" fire and made it just another one of their tools. Over the millennia, she traveled among them in human form--dragons are all capable of taking whatever shape they like, but few bother to perfect the skill to the degree that Brigid has--and she has been worshipped as a goddess of fire and light (and sometimes destruction) by many cultures that have emerged and faded.



But out all the inventions and achievements she has witnessed grown out of human imagination and community were the celebrations of Saturnalia and Yule; she loved the chaotic way humans in that part of the world celebrated life and brought light to the darkest of seasons. She also enjoyed getting gifts and getting roaringly drunk and treating lucky crowds to amazing displays of fire magic.

As Christianity gained dominance and the ancient festivals merged into a celebration of the faith's central figure, Brigid's love of the festivities surrounded it only grew greater. The songs, the decorations, the setting aside of differences and coming together in peace--if only for brief moments. And by the time what we consider "modern day" had arrived, Brigid loved that Christmas was EVERYWHERE thanks to all the various human inventions' who needs magic when you have broadcast networks and Muzak in malls?!

Every Christmas, Brigid assumes the human form she considers her most perfect and dresses it in quirky Christmas outfits. She visits churches and community centers around the world; she crashes corporate and political Christmas parties; she approaches both the financial and cultural elite, as well as the poorest and most rejected members of societies, asking to help them celebrate Christmas.
If treated with a minimum of hospitality and good cheer, she is a good guest that brings much entertainment to the party. If she is treated warmly and generously, the generosity is returned. The party's hosts receive a charm that will bring good luck to them and their direct descendants for 100 years so long as they are kind and generous while guests who are nice to her receive charms that grant them good luck for the next year.


If those who are impoverished or on the fringes of human societies accept her offer to spend Christmas with them, they find themselves whisked away to a wondrous palace that reflects Yule and Christmas in all its forms. They are guests at a spectacular feast and leave with gifts both useful and desired, as well as money to get back on their feet and magically cured of whatever addictions of ailments they may have been suffering from.

On the other hand, if Brigid is rebuffed or treated rudely, she makes sure those who lack proper Christmas spirit have their Holiday Seasons ruined by unexplained fires. How severe those fires are depends on how badly Brigid is treated. If she is physically attacked, she will reveal her true from and lay waste to a swath of the land, killing dozens if not hundreds of people... but leaving those who violated the Spirit of Christmas alive and fully aware of what they unleashed.