Design & Editing: Steve Miller & L.L. Hundal
Artwork: Frank Godwin
There are portions of this character generation method that are not usually randomized in d20 System games. DMs can allow players to review the Character Creation section and pick what the race and other traits they want their character to have. Given the ever-increasing obsession with issues of racial equality and representation and so on in non-existent places and imaginary among gamers, we included this random mechanic to underscore our viewpoint that a person's genetics/race is a completely random factor in how he or she turn out as a human being. Whether someone is a good person or a scumbag, a hero or a coward, has jack-all to do with "race" and everything to do with a person's character and the culture within which they were raised. (And even with culture, people are not slaves to their background.)
Roll 4d6, ignoring the lowest die, six times. The result is six totals ranging from 3 to 18, and these are ultimately assigned as a character's attribute score (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) as the player chooses. For now, they should just be noted and set aside. We'll come back to them later.
STEP TWO: Determine the Character's Race
There are four Human races/subtypes in Starvania. Each has a mechanical bonus and penalty. Players roll randomly against the following table to determine their race. (There's a small chance that the player may roll Elf, Dwarf, or Witchkind. If those are not used in your campaign, the player should reroll.)
We encourage players to use these random tables, but it's just as legitimate for GMs to allow players to simply pick the race (and attendant attribute modifiers) that reflect the character they want to play.
Table One: Player Character Races
1d100 Result Player Character Race
001-030 Moronican. +2 Charisma, -1 Dexterity.
(See "Moronican Characters" below for more information.)
031-060 Salvian. +2 Strength, -1 Wisdom.
(See "Salvian Characters" below for additional information.)
061-070 Sketish. +2 Intelligence, -1 Charisma.
(See "Sketish Characters" below for additional information.)
071-085 Woovian. +2 Wisdom, -1 Strength.
(See "Sketish Characters" below for additional information.)
086-093 Mixed. Roll on the "Table Two: Mixed Ancestry".)
094-095 Amazon (See Amazonian Characters" below for additional information.)
096-097 Elf. (See "Elf Characters" below for additional information.)(If race not in use, roll on "Table Two: Mixed Ancestry.")
098-099 Dwarf. (See Dwarf Characters below for additional information.)
(If race not in use, roll on "Table Two: Mixed Ancestry.")
100 Witchkind. (If race not in use, roll on "Mixed Ancestry Table.")
Table Two: Mixed Ancestry
1d100 Results Player Character Race
001-045 Moronican/Salvian. +1 Strength, +1 Charisma.(001-050: See "Moronican Characters" for more
information; 051-100: See "Salvian Characters" for more
046-055 Moronican/Sketish. +1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma.
(001-050: See "Moronican Characters" for more
information; 051-100: See "Sketish Characters" for more
056-070 Moronican/Woovian. +1 Charisma, +1 Wisdom.
(001-050: See "Moronican Characters" for more
information; 051-100: See "Woovian Characters" for more
071-080 Salvian/Sketish. +1 Strength, +1 Intelligence.
(001-050: See "Salvian Characters for more information.)
051-100: See "Sketish Characters" for more information.)
081-090 Salvian/Woovian. +1 Strength, +1 Wisdom.
(001-050: See "Salvian Characters" for more information;
051-100: See "Woovian Characters" for more information.)
091-095 Sketish/Woovian. +1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom.
(001-050: See "Sketish Characters" for more information;
051-100: See "Woovian Characters" for more information.) 096-097 Multi-Racial. +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, +1 Wisdom.
(001-050: See "Salvian Characters" for more information;
051-100: See "Woovian Characters" for more information.)
098-099 Multi-Racial. +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma.
(001-050: See "Moronican Characters" for more information;
051-100: See "Sketish Characters" for more information.)
100 Multi-Racial. No race-based attribute modifiers.
(001-025: See "Moronican Characters" for more information;
026-050: See "Salvian Characters" for more information;
051-75: See "Sketish Characters" for more information;
076-100: See "Woovian Characters" for more information.)
STEP THREE: Apply Ability Score Modifiers
Apply the appropriate adjustments to the attributes generated in Step One. Record them on the character sheet.
STEP THREE: Apply Ability Score Modifiers
Apply the appropriate adjustments to the attributes generated in Step One. Record them on the character sheet.
STEP FOUR: Determine the Character's Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
Like race, a person's sex is a random quirk of Fate. Like the tables for race, we provide them here for players to randomly generate their characters' sex and gender.
Players roll 1d10 against the following tables. While we encourage their use, GMs may allow players to just decide what their characters sex and gender is. Finally, if GM and players don't want to deal with things like genders and sexual preference, they can just stop at determining the character's
Like race, a person's sex is a random quirk of Fate. Like the tables for race, we provide them here for players to randomly generate their characters' sex and gender.
Players roll 1d10 against the following tables. While we encourage their use, GMs may allow players to just decide what their characters sex and gender is. Finally, if GM and players don't want to deal with things like genders and sexual preference, they can just stop at determining the character's
Table Three: What is the Character's Sex?
1d10 Result Sex
1-5. Female
6-10. Male
Table Five: What is the Character's Gender?
1d10 Result Gender
1-4. Female
5-6. Fluid (The player can choose/switch the character's gender
during any relevant situation.)
7-10. Male
Table Six: What Does the Character Present As?
1d10 Result Apparent Gender
1.4. Female
5-6. Fluid. (The character is equally comfortable in the
dress and roles of either gender.)
7-10. Male
Table Seven: What is the Character's Sexual Preference?
1d10 Result Sexual Preference
1-6. You prefer relations with the sex opposite your own.
7. Bi-sexual, with leanings toward the sex opposite
your own.
8. Bi-sexual, with leanings toward the sex same as your
9. Bi-sexual, with no particular preference whatsoever.
10. You prefer relations with the sex same as your own.
Next Up: The Character Creation Rules Continue
(Coming Soon...)