Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Jesus vs. Zombies: A ROLF! Easter Celebration

Nothing goes better with Easter than Jesus and Zombies... well, except maybe Jesus and Easter Eggs. Or maybe Jesus and Ham Dinner. Or maybe...

At any rate, here's the ROLF! Easter Celebration. Feel free to copy and print out as you wish, should you want to play it.

Easter Battle: Jesus vs. Zombies
By Steve Miller (Artwork by Jeff Preston.)

There's no more room in the Hell, so on Easter Sunday, the dead are rise from their graves to walk the Earth and feast on the flesh of the living. Jesus, being annoyed because he had been telling Satan to open a new condo development ever since Osama bin Laden first uttered the phrase "al-Qaeda," descends to Earth to kick some zombie butt until Satan solves Hell's housing crisis.

The Savior Jesus Christ battles five zombies in this Battle Scenario. The battle continues until Jesus or the zombies are defeated.

Jesus Christ, Zombie Killer
Brawn 23 (includes +1 Hat Bonus); Body 18; Brains 8.
Traits: Holier Than Thou, Sense of Honor, Too Sexy For My Shirt
Combat Maneuvers: Basic Attack, Blessed, Debate Philosophy, Disarm, Signature Move, Spelling (Be Healed!, Gain Combat Maneuver, Good Touch).
Important Stuff Worn/Wielded: Clothes, Sandals. Crown of Thorns (Hat. +1 to Brawn while worn).

Brawn is 12; Body is 8; Brains is 2
Traits: Dead, Mutant (Claws, Detachable Limbs, Teeth), Stinks
Combat Maneuvers: Basic Attack, Disembowel.
Important Stuff Worn/Wielded: Teeth (Natural Weapon; immune to Disarm. Melee. Ignores Armor. Deals 2 points of damage.), Sharp Claws (Natural Weapon; immune to Disarm. Melee. Does 3 points of damage.)

Brawn is 20; Body is 16; Brains is 5
Traits: Dead, Mutant (Claws, Detachable Limbs, Teeth), Stinks
Combat Maneuvers: Basic Attack, Dance Move, Disembowel, Seduce (+2 modifier to ATT check), Yodel.
Important Stuff Worn/Wielded: Teeth (Natural Weapon; immune to Disarm. Melee. Ignores Armor. Deals 2 points of damage.), Sharp Claws (Natural Weapon; immune to Disarm. Melee. Does 3 points of damage.)

The characters featured in this Battle Scenario were originally presented in the ROLF! supplements Santa vs. Santos vs. Jesus and Herbert West vs. the Zombies, and on this blog. For more exciting Easter battle action featuring Jesus, check out Night of the Easter Bunny!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Add a little love to your ROLF! battles!

ROLF! co-creator L.L. Hundal provided this little Valentine's Day gift to all gamers who like the Rollplaying Game of Big Dumb Fighters... Cupid ala ROLF! ("He can be added into just about any battle scenario if there's an extra player, and a little extra chaos is wanted," she wrote.)

Dead-Eye: The character hard ever misses with a ranged weapon. He or she reduces ATT check results for ranged attacks by 4.

Cupid (Male)
Brawn 13, Body 15, Brains 4
Traits: Dead-Eye, God, Nimble
Combat Maneuvers: Basic Attack, Dodge, Strike Pose, Run Away!
Important Stuff Worn/Wielded: Bow (Small Ranged Weapon, Deals 2 points of damage), Ever-Full Enchanted Quiver (Provides unlimited shots for bow).
Special Notes: Twice per battle scenario, Cupid may shoot other characters with Love Arrows. He can keep trying to hit targets, but once two have been struck, he cannot fire any more Love Arrows that scenario. Targets struck by a Love Arrow immediately falls deeply and insanely in love with whatever character is closest to them in the fight. The target can only use the Strike Pose and Seduce combat maneuvers against the love object. The target may use combat maneuvers against other targets in the battle as normal. If the object of the target's love attacks the target and deals damage for two consecutive rounds, the magic of the Love Arrow is broken and the target can once again use all combat maneuvers freely.

Cupid: He's the Power of Love!