Showing posts with label Mothers Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mothers Day. Show all posts

Sunday, May 13, 2018

A d20 System feat in observance of Mother's Day!

And its text is presented under the Open Game License, so you can republish it accordingly. Copyright Steve Miller 2018.

MOM VOICE [General]
You can make people knock that crap off with just a few words.
   Prerequisite: Mom
   Benefit: Roll a Bluff or Intimidate skill check. All beings with an Intelligence of 3 or higher must roll Will saves with a target equal to your skill check +6. Those who fail the saving throw must immediately stop whatever they're doing for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus, during which time you may attempt to reason with them using Diplomacy or Bluff.
    Those who save against the Mom Voice suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus. If they attack a target who didn't save, the target may attack back with the same -2 penalty.
    All initiatives must be re-rolled at the beginning of the round following the use of Mom Voice.
    Special: Targets of the Mom Voice must be able to hear the user, but they do not need to understand the words spoken; the tone is universal.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Mother's Day Sale!

All NUELOW Games fiction collections (and some of our comics collections as well, since they have fiction in them) are 50% off through Mother's Day! See if Mom has a DriveThruFiction or DriveThruRPG wish-list and if a NUELOW Games release is on it!

Here's a link to the the titles are are on sale! Get Mom something fun to read while she is relaxing or serving lunch. to your little sister!