We've got another comics/rpg product in the works. This one will collect most of the "Mystic Moot and His Magic Snoot" stories by the great Basil Wolverton in one place. It's massive amounts of goofiness delivered in four-page doses, and it might even be the perfect comic to read with the little ones to feed their interest in comics! And what's even better? It will feature all-new, ever-before-seen cover art by the great cartoonist
Stan!Who is Mystic Moot, you ask? Well, let's hear from the man himself, along with Wolverton providing a little background!
Along with the comics, there will be some d20 System rules that will let your characters have magic body parts, just like Moot. (There may even be some ROLF! content... it's been a while!)
Meanwhile, here's a little bit of a preview. It's part of the Magic Body Parts rules. If you have feedback on this preview, we'd love to hear it. (You don't need to tell us if you think it's silly, and has the potential for all sorts of stupid antics in-game. We know. It's the Way of Mystic Moot.)
The rest of this post is released under the Open Game License and it may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2022 Steve Miller.
Every person (perhaps every being) is born with a magic body part. Through this very special point of their physical form, beings can naturally channel magic, without the need for strange phrases and doo-dads, and bits of precious metals. By thinking about, gesturing with, or touching the magic body party, and simultaneously wishing for a specific effect, the person can cast spells as if he or she was a sorcerer or a priest.
Further, if the character is a sorcerer or a priest (or gains spell-casting abilities from other talents or feats), he or she adds Magic Body Part spells to the total spells that can be cast each day. The Magic Body Part spells are tracked on a separate list, as they are their own unique group of spells.
While everyone has a magic body part, not everyone has the ability to use it. The powers of the magic body part can be discovered in a variety of ways--during a moment of extreme danger or pleasure, or from gurus wise in the ways of magic body parts. Even when a person becomes aware of their magic body part, it takes dedication and practice to fully master its potential. (The spells that can be powered trough the magic body part are limited in scope and variety when compared to other spellcasting disciplines and methods, but the advantage is that no specific material, somatic, or verbal components are needed, and the person can invoke a spell anytime and anywhere he or she wants.)
A character's magic body part can be determined at creation, or it can be "discovered" later as the character gains levels and progresses through a campaign. Players whose characters have identified their magic body parts can either specify what that part is (the nose, the right ear, the left middle finger, the chest, and so on) or roll on a random table that will be included in NUELOW Games' Mystic Moot comics/rpg product.
The player may choose the character's magic body part, but the GM may overrule the choice if he or she feels it is not in step with the tone or maturity level he or she wants in the game.
The character's mastery of his or her magic body part is represented in the game mechanics and rules by a feat and a talent tree. The feat and talent trees are available to all character classes in games where they are allowed by the GM.
Once the character becomes aware of his or her Magic Body Parts, magic can be channeled through them, creating spell effects from the Magic Body Parts spell list. The Magic Body Part feat forms the foundation of the ability while the talents reflect the character's advancing mastery of his or her power.
Magic Body Part Feat [Minor Power, Supernatural]
You are able to channel magic through a specific part of your body and create limited spell effects.
Benefit: With a standard action and a successful Willpower saving throw (DC13), you may cast a 0-level Magic Body Part spells a number of times per day equal to your character level. Caster level is equal to the character level. If the spell fails, you may retry the following round.
Special: If you touch the magic body party while channeling magic, or thrust it forcefully in the direction of a target, the Willpower saving throw is DC10.
This feat serves as a prerequisite for superpower talent trees.
Magic Body Part Talent Tree
These talents reflect a character's mastery of his or her magic body part.
Magic Body Part Mastery (Basic): The character may cast 1st-level and 2nd-level Magic Body Part spells, in addition to 0-level Magic Body Part spells. The total number of Body Part spells the character may cast per day increases to twice his or her character level. All other rules for casting body part spells remain as described in the Magic Body Part feat.
Prerequisite: Magic Body Part feat.
Magic Body Part Mastery (Comprehensive): The character may cast 3rd-level and 4th-level Magic Body Part spells, in addition to 0- through 2nd-level Magic Body Part spells. The total number of Body Part spells the character may cast per day increases by an amount equal to his or her Charisma bonus, in addition to the existing total. All other rules for casting body part spells remain as described in the Magic Body Part feat.
Prerequisite: Magic Body Part Mastery (Basic).
Magic Body Part Mastery (Epic): The character may cast 5th-level and 6th-level Magic Body Part spells, in addition to 0- through 4th-level Magic Body Part spells. The total number of Body Part spells the character may cast per day increases by an amount equal to his or her Charisma bonus, in addition to the existing total. All other rules for casting body part spells remain as described in the Magic Body Part feat.
Prerequisite: Magic Body Part (Comprehensive).
Magic Body Part Mastery (Legendary): The character may cast 7th-level and 8th-level Magic Body Part spells, in addition to 0- through 6th-level Magic Body Part spells. The total number of Body Part spells the character may cast per day increases by an amount equal to his or her Constitution bonus, in addition to the existing total. All other rules for casting body part spells remain as described in the Magic Body Part feat.
Prerequisite: Magic Body Part (Epic).
[They will be in "Mystic Moot and His Magic Snoot" -- coming soon from NUELOW Games!]