Showing posts with label Feats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feats. Show all posts

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Dragon and the Presidents of the United States of America

Brigid is an ancient red dragon who enjoys being with humans.

Since 1701 A.D., Brigid the Dragon has maintained at least one dwelling ("lair" to the traditionalists) in what is presently the United States of America, with her oldest being in the mountains of Virginia. She has always loved the idea of a republic, and she found she loved it even more when a stripe of democracy was thrown into the mix. She REALLY loved the idea of branches of government being at odds with each other in certain ways, ensuring that the totalitarian bent that is so fundamental to humans wouldn't creep in. Well, it wouldn't creep in if humans weren't so easily corrupted by greed and lust for personal power and glory.

Since George Washington was first elected President of the United States in 1789, Brigid has been meeting with them shortly before they are to assume the office. Since the 1930s, she has tended to have the meeting take place with both the outgoing and incoming president, because she wants to be sure that there is no miscomprehension about the fact that so long as the American government remains centered in the Constitution, she would provide support to a president who has legitimate claim on the office. 

Joe Biden, Brigid, and Donald Trump in November of 2024

Her support is expected to be kept secret from the public, advisors, and anyone not approved by Brigid. Still, she works occasionally with the U.S. military and intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Basically, she's an open, but deeply classified government secret, like the existence of space aliens and Immortals. 

But what is the support Brigid offers? Aside from the perspective of a highly intelligent and creative being that is almost 400,000 years old, she grants a magical blessing to the President. Here is that blessing in d20 System terms, presented as a feat.

THE DRAGON'S BLESSING [Dragon Magic, Supernatural]
By sharing a drink and/or a meal with a mortal whom the dragon wants to help overcome great challenges, the dragon bestows a magical gift to the character. 
    Prerequisite: The character must be the leader, or key participant in executing, of some great enterprise that will benefit untold numbers of other mortals. The character must accept the invitation of the dragon to have the meeting and then must partake in the food and/or beverage the dragon offers.
The sharing of food and drink is a subtle ritual through which the dragon 
    Benefit: For a number of years predetermined by the dragon (4, 8, 12, 16, or 20), the recipient of the Dragon's Blessing gains the following bonuses:
    * +4 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive skill checks
    * +2 bonus to all other Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based skill checks
    * +1 bonus to all Dexterity- and Constitution-based skill checks.
    The bonuses last from the person's first day undertaking the mighty task and/or playing an important role in the organization to which the belong, through the exact end of the period specified. The blessing ends early if the recipient breaks promises made, acts against the expected morality or purpose that the recipient is supposed to defend/working toward.
    Special: This feat temporarily replaces another feat the character possesses that gives bonuses to skill checks; the player of the character gets to choose which one is replaced. Dragon's Blessing overrides the specified feat until the end of the duration set by the dragon. If the character loses the benefits of the feat through actions contrary to his or her vows and duties, the other feat still remains ineffective until the duration of the blessing has ended. 
   While the blessing is in effect, the character can choose to shift this feat into a feat slot gained through level advancement instead of choosing a new feat. The feat that was replaced by the Dragon's Blessing once again provides a benefit in this case. When the Dragon's Blessing ends, the feat slot opens, and the player must choose another feat to fill it.

And to round out this post, here are a few pictures of Brigid with U.S. presidents of the past many years, mostly while meeting them either in her Virginia or Arizona homes. Two of the three are among her favorite presidents. Can you guess which two?

Brigid and Barack Obama in August of 2011

Brigid and Barack Obama in April of 2014

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Barack Obama in November of 2016

Barack Obama, Brigid, and Donald Trump in November of 2016

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Barack Obama in January of 2017

Donald Trump and Brigid in October of 2019

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Joe Biden in January of 2021

Joe Biden and Brigid in March 2021

Brigid and Barack Obama in September of 2021

Brigid and Joe Biden in November 2021

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Barack Obama in April of 2022

Joe Biden and Brigid in July of 2022

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Barack Obama in October of 2022

Joe Biden and Brigid in December of 2022

Brigid and Joe Biden in February of 2023

Joe Biden and Brigid in May of 2023

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Barack Obama in September of 2023

Joe Biden and Brigid in November of 2023

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Barack Obama in July of 2024

Donald Trump, Brigid, and Joe Biden in January of 2024

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Eleven

'Tis the Season for Feats... and these should appeal to d20 System gamers wether they love of hate Christmas! (All feats in this post are presented under the Open Game License.)

Your musical talents and skills as a performer increase during the Christmas Season, even more so when you are performing, or performing to, Christmas music.
   Prerequisite: At least 1 rank in two or more Perform skills.
   Benefit: From December 15 through January 5 each year, you gain a +4 bonus to all skills related to dancing, singing, and playing instruments. The bonus is increased to +6 if your performance involves Christmas music.
   Special: During the rest of year, the bonus from this feat is +1, but it applies to all varieties of performances involving music in one way or another.from this feat apply to all performances is reduced to +1.

Fake Lindsey Sterling (made at OpenArt.a.i.)

GRINCH [General]
You are adept at stealing that which might bring others joy.
   Benefit: From December 15 through January 5, you gain a +4 bonus to all Disable Device/Traps, Hide, Move Silently and Open Locks skill checks made to steal gifts, packages, and holiday decorations.
   Special: During the rest of year, the bonus gained from this feat is +1.

Whether you're pro-Christmas ("there's a war on Christmas!"/"I am insulted that you wished me Happy Holidays!") or anti-Christmas ("your cultural appropriation of the trappings of dead pagan religions offends me"/"I feel violated by your Christmas decorations!"), you are a brilliant at ruining everyone's good mood and holiday cheer.
   Benefit: Whenever the character is within 30 ft. of Christmas decorations, or other items related by Christmas, or someone brings up anything related to Christmas or wishes him or her "Happy Holidays!", you gain a +4 bonus to Intimidate skill checks, as well as a +2 bonus to all melee attack rolls. You also impose a -2 penalty on Morale checks. The effects last until the character leaves the area.
   Special: The benefits of this feat can also apply to Easter, Kwanza, Yom Kippur, Ramadan... any major holiday during which others want to have fun or enjoy each other's company and fellowship that the character wants to ruin. In such cases, the player merely needs to say that he or she is applying the Holiday Warrior benefits to the holiday in question.

KRAMPUS [General]
The naughty had better watch out!
   Prerequisite: Naughty or Nice
   Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls against targets identified using the Naughty or Nice feat. In addition, any spells or spell-like abilities uses agains the target function at one level higher than the character's actual caster level.

SELFLESS [General]
You are ready to support those in need.
   Benefit: Give up one of your character's actions. Designate another player. The character under that player's control gains a +4 bonus to the next d20 roll made. You may use this ability as many times each round as you have actions.
   Special: When this feat is chosen, gain 2 character points that must be spent on skills immediately.

You spread joy and cheer.
   Prerequisite: Wisdom 12, Charisma 14
   Benefit: Take a full round action to make a Concentration check (DC8). For the duration of the next encounter, all other PCs and allied NPCs present when you make the check gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws and morale checks.
   Special: The bonus is increased to +4 for present PCs and NPCs who join together and sing a Christmas carol (or other campaign-setting appropriate song of a similar nature) while the skill check is being made. Skills checks of Perform (sing) (DC4) are needed to stay on key.

And to keep the Christmas Spirit building among all of you out there, here's a great video (with even greater music) from violinist/dancer Lindsey Sterling. (We think she may have the Christmas Caroler feat...)

Monday, December 2, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Two

Santa knows who's been bad... and he's had enough of their sh*t!

How does he know? It's a combination of three things: A natural ability, magic spells, and an ancient artifact. Today, we translate Santa's natural ability to know who's been bad or good into d20 System game mechanics!

(The rest of this post is presented under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms.)

You can tell someone's bad or good by just looking at them.
   Prerequisite: Intelligence 12, Wisdom 12
   Benefit: As a standard action, you may look at a living person or being and immediately know if they have good or evil intentions toward you, your allies, or innocent beings. (This does not necessarily reflect their alignment--if the d20 System variant you are using includes the alignment mechanic--but rather what the moral ramifications of their immediately past or near-future actions will be. 
   You may use this this feat a number of times each day equal to your Wisdom bonus.  
   Targets must have Intelligence and Wisdom scores of at least 4 for the ability of this feat to be effective. Spells and abilities that prevent scrying or other divination magic or spell-like and supernatural powers also impede this feat. The target appears "nice" when studied.
   Special: This feat is considered a "minor power feat" for the purposes to acquiring superpower talents.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The Miraculous Magic of Mystic Moot (d20 Magic Body Parts)

We've got another comics/rpg product in the works. This one will collect most of the "Mystic Moot and His Magic Snoot" stories by the great Basil Wolverton in one place. It's massive amounts of goofiness delivered in four-page doses, and it might even be the perfect comic to read with the little ones to feed their interest in comics! And what's even better? It will feature all-new, ever-before-seen cover art by the great cartoonist Stan!

Who is Mystic Moot, you ask? Well, let's hear from the man himself, along with Wolverton providing a little background!

Along with the comics, there will be some d20 System rules that will let your characters have magic body parts, just like Moot. (There may even be some ROLF! content... it's been a while!)

Meanwhile, here's a little bit of a preview. It's part of the Magic Body Parts rules. If you have feedback on this preview, we'd love to hear it. (You don't need to tell us if you think it's silly, and has the potential for all sorts of stupid antics in-game. We know. It's the Way of Mystic Moot.)

The rest of this post is released under the Open Game License and it may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2022 Steve Miller.

Every person (perhaps every being) is born with a magic body part. Through this very special point of their physical form, beings can naturally channel magic, without the need for strange phrases and doo-dads, and bits of precious metals. By thinking about, gesturing with, or touching the magic body party, and simultaneously wishing for a specific effect, the person can cast spells as if he or she was a sorcerer or a priest.

Further, if the character is a sorcerer or a priest (or gains spell-casting abilities from other talents or feats), he or she adds Magic Body Part spells to the total spells that can be cast each day. The Magic Body Part spells are tracked on a separate list, as they are their own unique group of spells.

While everyone has a magic body part, not everyone has the ability to use it. The powers of the magic body part can be discovered in a variety of ways--during a moment of extreme danger or pleasure, or from gurus wise in the ways of magic body parts. Even when a person becomes aware of their magic body part, it takes dedication and practice to fully master its potential. (The spells that can be powered trough the magic body part are limited in scope and variety when compared to other spellcasting disciplines and methods, but the advantage is that no specific material, somatic, or verbal components are needed, and the person can invoke a spell anytime and anywhere he or she wants.)

A character's magic body part can be determined at creation, or it can be "discovered" later as the character gains levels and progresses through a campaign. Players whose characters have identified their magic body parts can either specify what that part is (the nose, the right ear, the left middle finger, the chest, and so on) or roll on a random table that will be included in NUELOW Games' Mystic Moot comics/rpg product.

The player may choose the character's magic body part, but the GM may overrule the choice if he or she feels it is not in step with the tone or maturity level he or she wants in the game.

The character's mastery of his or her magic body part is represented in the game mechanics and rules by a feat and a talent tree. The feat and talent trees are available to all character classes in games where they are allowed by the GM.


Once the character becomes aware of his or her Magic Body Parts, magic can be channeled through them, creating spell effects from the Magic Body Parts spell list. The Magic Body Part feat forms the foundation of the ability while the talents reflect the character's advancing mastery of his or her power.

Magic Body Part Feat [Minor Power, Supernatural]
You are able to channel magic through a specific part of your body and create limited spell effects.
   Benefit: With a standard action and a successful Willpower saving throw (DC13), you may cast a 0-level Magic Body Part spells a number of times per day equal to your character level. Caster level is equal to the character level. If the spell fails, you may retry the following round.
   Special: If you touch the magic body party while channeling magic, or thrust it forcefully in the direction of a target, the Willpower saving throw is DC10.
   This feat serves as a prerequisite for superpower talent trees.

Magic Body Part Talent Tree
These talents reflect a character's mastery of his or her magic body part.
   Magic Body Part Mastery (Basic): The character may cast 1st-level and 2nd-level Magic Body Part spells, in addition to 0-level Magic Body Part spells. The total number of Body Part spells the character may cast per day increases to twice his or her character level. All other rules for casting body part spells remain as described in the Magic Body Part feat.
   Prerequisite: Magic Body Part feat.
   Magic Body Part Mastery (Comprehensive): The character may cast 3rd-level and 4th-level Magic Body Part spells, in addition to 0- through 2nd-level Magic Body Part spells. The total number of Body Part spells the character may cast per day increases by an amount equal to his or her Charisma bonus, in addition to the existing total. All other rules for casting body part spells remain as described in the Magic Body Part feat.
   Prerequisite: Magic Body Part Mastery (Basic).
   Magic Body Part Mastery (Epic): The character may cast 5th-level and 6th-level Magic Body Part spells, in addition to 0- through 4th-level Magic Body Part spells. The total number of Body Part spells the character may cast per day increases by an amount equal to his or her Charisma bonus, in addition to the existing total. All other rules for casting body part spells remain as described in the Magic Body Part feat.
   Prerequisite: Magic Body Part (Comprehensive).
   Magic Body Part Mastery (Legendary): The character may cast 7th-level and 8th-level Magic Body Part spells, in addition to 0- through 6th-level Magic Body Part spells. The total number of Body Part spells the character may cast per day increases by an amount equal to his or her Constitution bonus, in addition to the existing total. All other rules for casting body part spells remain as described in the Magic Body Part feat.
   Prerequisite: Magic Body Part (Epic).

[They will be in "Mystic Moot and His Magic Snoot" -- coming soon from NUELOW Games!]

Sunday, May 29, 2022

New Feat: Divide by Zero

Here's a feat for use with the NUELOW Games superpowers d20 System rules, or just for the hell of it in particularly crazy games. (Well, even when used as a superpower, it probably works best in particularly crazy games...)

All text in this post is presented under the Open Game License, and it may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2022 Steve Miller.

DIVIDE BY ZERO [Meta-Gaming, Minor Power]
Nothing is impossible. NOTHING!
   Prerequisite: Lucky feat
   Benefit: Whenever you fail a d20 roll (attack, saving throw, or skill check), you may reroll by announcing to the DM that you are doing so.
   Special: There are two outcomes from invoking this feat.
   If the re-roll is successful, treat it as a critical success (when appropriate). You gain a +1 bonus to all d20 rolls for the rest of the game session.
   If the re-roll fails, you (and possibly the other player characters) suffer one of the following random consequences. (DM's choice/creation or random selection by rolling 1d8 from the following table.)
   1. Your character suffers a -1 penalty to all d20 rolls for the rest of the game session.
   2. Your character suffers a -2 penalty to all d20 rolls for the rest of the game session.
   3. Your character's shadow disconnects from him or her. At the beginning of the next round, the shadow solidifies into a exact copy of the character, with the same attributes, hit points, skills, and combat abilities. All gear and equipment is copied as well. This shadow-being immediately attacks the character from which it sprang. It does not stop until it or the character is defeated (below 0 hit points), at which time it dissolves with a shriek of frustration and pain.
   4. Your character's shadow disconnects from you at the end of the encounter and become an independent creature. Until you manage to recover it, you will cast no shadow.
   5. Your character no longer cast a shadow, nor does he or she have a reflection. This condition persists for 1d6+1 days.
   6. Your character's reflection in mirrors has a 50% chance of emerging from the mirror and attacking him or her if no one else is around. This mirror image of the character has  the same attributes, hit points, skills, and combat abilities. All gear and equipment is copied as well. This being attacks the character until it or its target is defeated (reduced below 0 hit points). It then it explodes into hundreds of mirror fragments, with a dying shriek of frustration and pain, and inflicts 1d4+1 points of damage upon . This condition persists for 1d6+1 days.
   7. All PCs and major NPCs present during when the failed re-roll was made, and who are alive at the end of the encounter, are subject to a -2 penalty to all d20 rolls until they unite to seek out the Monkey King at the center of Reality. All living characters must undertake this journey together, or none will be liberated from the curse by the Monkey King.
   8. The character's physical form changes. Roll on this table to determine determine the character's new sex and on this table to determine his or her new race.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Coming Soon: 'The Original Peacemaker'!

We're finalizing a new release that's been on-again, off-again since 2017 or so. (While this can be said of most of our planned releases lately, this one has been more-so than some of others.)

Given that there's a TV series currently headling the Peacemaker, we figure the time is now or never to  time to bring out THE ORIGINAL PEACEMAKER! It will collect half-a-dozen early Peacemaker tales by the character's creators, Joe Gill, Pat Boyette, and Dick Giordano and feature new d20 System content. We hope this first release will be the first of two volumes.

By way of a preview, here's draft material of some of the d20 System content that will be in the book first book. The art with this post is an unfinished draft of the cover for the projected second volume in the series, as well as panels from the comics, taken from raw scans. (As per usual, they'll be cleaned up a bit and in black-and-white in the actual book.)

Here are d20 System rules for some of the more unique items in the Peacemaker's armory, . All are the product of Christopher Smith's singular genius, and he will only share them with his most trusted allies.

During his brief association with NASA, Christopher Smith had the opportunity to study some alien technology that had been recovered on the Moon. The device, which looked like a chair, allowed a person sitting in cause it to rise into the air and slowly float in whatever direction the user wished. the person in the chair could also cause small items to float in the air and even bring them to him or her, or cause them to float toward targets. 
   Smith managed to reverse engineer and miniaturize the portion of the alien device augmented human brainwaves to grant limited telekinetic and telepathic powers. He encased his invention in the helmet he wears as the Peacemaker. 
   Although the helmet appears solid, it can be collapsed into an almost flat state (just three inches in depth) and can easily be concealed in a briefcase, for example.
    Using the Brainwave Augmentation Helmet: When wearing the Brainwave Augmentation Helmet, the user can make a Willpower saving throw to either use telepathy to project thoughts to a single target within line-of-sight, use telekinesis to manipulate small objects, or fire the laser built into the front of the helmet.
   When a would-be user puts on the helmet for the first time, he or she feels like someone just crushed his or her head with a rock. The character must roll a Fortitude saving throw (DC12) or become unconscious. If the character wears the helmet for three full rounds (with a successful DC12 Fortitude save required each round), the pain stops as immediately as it began, and he or she is now attuned to the helmet and may wear it without difficulty going forward. If he or she became unconscious or removed the helmet, the process must be repeated. 
   Projecting Thoughts: The character wearing the Brainwave Augmentation Helmet must specify the target to whom thoughts are to be sent. As a full round action, upon making a successful Willpower saving throw, the character may then transmit a statement, question, or command to the target. The target hears the character's voice in his or her head, in the target's native language. The difficulty of the Willpower saving throw is DC4, with +2 added for each word sent, and +2 added for every 20 feet of distance between the sender and the target. The player must specify the message before the roll is made, and if the saving throw fails, the target does not hear the thoughts. 
    The user of the helmet can try to send messages to a target as many times as he or she wishes, with a new Willpower save required for each attempt. The target does not typically receive a saving throw to resist, but if he or she is aware of what's happening and does not want to give the user access to their head, the target's Wisdom bonus is added to the user's Willpower DC.
   Manipulating Small Objects: As standard action, the user of the helmet can flip switches, pull triggers, turn handles, or do any other manipulation of small objects within his or her line of sight. He or she can also lift small objects and cause them to float slowly in the air in whatever direction he or she wills, so long as he or she concentrates on the object.
   To use the telekinetic powers granted by the Brainwave Augmentation Helmet, the wearer must specify an object and an action. Then, he or she must roll a Willpower saving throw (base DC2, with +2 added for every 5 feet of distance between the user and the object, as well as an additional +2 for every 5 pounds of weight).
   Firing the Helmet Laser: As a free action, the user must aim the laser by looking at the target and then fire it by making a successful Willpower saving throw (base DC0). The user must then take a standard attack action and roll a ranged attack to see if he or she successfully hits the intended target. 
   The wearer can choose to just fire individual shots or cause sustained damage. The laser has a range increment of 10 feet, and it deals 3d6 points of damage (energy/piercing/heat) per shot, or 3d6+6 damage (energy/piercing/heat) per round if the damage is sustained. It also causes metal s The user can take no other actions while inflicting sustained damage with the helmet laser, and if he or she suffers damage or otherwise is subjected to a condition that can cause distraction, he or she must make a successful Concentration skill check (DC12+damage suffered) or the laser stops working. The character can attempt to reinitialize it the following round.
   To use the helmet laser to maximum efficiency, a character must possess the Exotic Weapon (Helmet Laser) feat. Otherwise, he or she suffers a -4 penalty to the ranged attack roll.

Peacemaker's jetpack is a marvel of miniaturization, and, is once again one of Christopher's unique inventions. It consists of a small backpack and fuel cells capable of producing powered flight for up to 6 hours. A character equipped with a jetpack can hover in place and fly at a maximum speed of 80 feet per round (good maneuverability). The speed is reduced to 40 feet if the user is Encumbered (such as if carrying another person or some heavy object).
   With the flick of a switch, the jetpack can be reset to propel the Peacemaker under water at speeds up on 40 feet per round.

The Peacemaker's helmet and uniform are made from an ultralight, absorbent material invented by Christopher Smith. It feels like cotton when worn, but provides protection from normal bullets fired by handheld firearms, as well as limited protection from explosives and other damage from kinetic energy sources.
   The Pliable Body Armor does not increase a character's Defense Rating, but instead reduces damage from projectiles, explosions, and falls by 3 and converts additional damage (up 20 points) to non-lethal damage. 
   The Pliable Body Armor may be worn under regular clothing or even other types of armor. It is not breathable, however, so characters who wear it for extended periods in extreme temperature conditions will have to make Constitution attribute checks (DC11, with the difficulty increasing by +1 for each check). The character becomes Fatigued after the first failed check, and Exhausted after the second. The character becomes Unconscious after the third failed check.

Identical in shape and size to regular bullets, and compatible with firearms of the appropriate caliber, these turn lethal weapons into non-lethal ones. This special ammunition is the creation of Christopher Smith, and he typically carries at least one firearm or magazine loaded with this type of round so he may disable rather than kill his opponents.
   When a living target is struck by a stun pellet, he or she suffers 1 point of damage, plus an amount of non-lethal damage equal to whatever the standard lethal damage would be (subject to Damage Reduction, if any). If the damage reduced the character to 0 hit points or less, he or she becomes Unconscious. Otherwise, the struck character can take no actions for the rest of the round, other than to fall prone to the ground.

The following feats can be added to the Charismatic Hero and Smart Hero bonus feats lists if they are included in a campaign.

You have mastered the thought-controlled laser in the Peacemaker helmet.
   Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +1
   Benefit: You make ranged attack rolls with the helmet laser normally.
   Normal: Attacks with the helmet laser are made with a -4 penalty.
You don't start fights, but you sure will try to finish them.
    Prerequisites: Charisma 14, Negotiator feat, Diplomacy 4 ranks
    Benefit: When you declare you wish to use this feat, you automatically give up initiative for the encounter, except for the following actions: 
    You must reveal yourself to potential foes, confronting them openly and free of any cover. While facing them head on like this, you must offer your foes a chance to resolve the conflict peacefully. If they choose to not take you up on the offer, you  gain a +4 bonus to hit and damage rolls, and a +2 bonus to DR/AC for the duration of the encounter.. 
    The GM may call for a Bluff or Diplomacy skill check to see if your effort to convince the enemy to resolve matters peacefully  is successful or not. If any of your allies attack the enemy while you are trying to take to them, you automatically fail, and still lose initiative.
    This feat can only be used against creatures with Intelligence of 4 or better.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Truth?! Can you handle The Truth?!

Here's a feat for the characters who know the truth is out there, and who can find it in the most unusual places by connecting dots and finding patterns that no one else can connect or see! (The material is released under Open Game License and may be reproduced accordingly... if They will allow it. Copyright 2021 Steve Miller.)

Just because they're not out to get you, doesn't mean they want to keep you from revealing the Truth!
   Benefit: Gain +2 bonus to all Bluff skill checks and Gather Information skill checks. The bonus increases to +6 on Bluff checks made when explaining why your conspiracy theories are true... because you Want To Believe.
   Special: Suffer a -2 penalty to all Sense Motive skill checks. The penalty increases to -6 when you're dealing with another character that also possesses the Conspiracy Theory feat.

Also, while we're providing links, here's an evil for the conspiracy-busting PCs to investigate and stop: THE VEGAN DEATH CONSPIRACY!

Monday, August 9, 2021

RPG-a-Day #9: The Medium

In response to today's RPG-a-Day keyword, an idea presented itself that we may already have covered in other products--sort of like the time when we accidentally re-did our idea for a magic Pho shop but with a few added menu items because we forgot we'd already had and done that idea--but here's a d20 System feat and a talent tree intended to model the idea of medium or spirit channeler who uses those talents as an adventurer or some stripe of action hero.

As with many posts here at the NUELOW Games blog, this post contains strictly first draft stuff. It flowed literally from Steve Miller's brain, through his fingers and the keyboard, and onto the blog. Any opinions or feedback you care to over are welcomed!

(All text from this point forward in the post is released under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2021 Steve Miller.)

The Medium is a character who channels sprits of the dead, accessing their skills and knowledge as he or she needs it. The Medium is never possessed by the spirit, but is instead guided by it. Characters become Mediums in one of two ways, but they basically function the same and gain their abilities through the same feat and talents.

First Type of Medium
This Medium is born. For his or her entire life, there have been "invisible friends" and whispers on the winds that have been lending help and encouragement during hard times, and cheering the character on during times of success and joy. These voices and invisible friends are beings who followed the character into this world at birth, and they have been watching over him or her ever since. As the character has grown, the bonds with the spirits have persisted and perhaps even grown stronger. This Medium is a character who possesses the Medium Beginning Occupation.

Second Type of Medium
This type of Medium arises from a near-death experience. As a hero's soul returned to his or her body from beyond the edge of death, someone or something entered this plane, too. This spirit (or perhaps even several spirits) now exists to help and support the hero. This helpful spirit is represented by the Spirit Guide feat.

For as long as you can remember, the spirits have been your constant companions and friends. Now, they help you as you embark upon a life of daring and danger.

Mediums include professions such as clergy, psychics, sideshow performer, investigator, and life coach.
   Prerequisite: Age 15+, Wisdom 12
   Starting Skills: Pick two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If the skill selected is already a class skill, the character gains a +1 competency bonus on checks while using that skill. Decipher Script, Gather Information, Knowledge (arcane lore, history, theology and philosophy), Sense Motive, or add a new Speak Language.
   Starting Feat: You gain Spirit Guide as a bonus starting feat.
   Special: You add the following feats to those you can gain when advancing in levels in your character class. Danger SenseForesight, Fortune Telling, Selfless

A bodiless being--a kind soul, a nature spirit, or some being entirely--watches over the hero and help and supports him when needed.

Spirit Guide
You can call upon a helpful spirit (or spirits) in times of need.
   Prerequisite: Medium starting profession or near-death experience (must have fallen below -1 hit points).
   Benefit: Specify a skill that the hero either has at least 1 rank in, or which can be used untrained. Gain a +4 bonus to all skill checks for the duration of the encounter or time period during which you are using the that skill, as your Spirit Guide lets you tap into its expertise. Your spirit guide will aid you a number of times per day equal to the hero's Wisdom bonus.
   Special: Once per day, you may call upon your Spirit Guide to allow you to create spell effects identical to one of the following spells: Daze, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, or Resistance. The spell effect as if from a spell by caster of the hero's character level.
   This feat is a prerequisite for the talents from the Guiding Spirits Talent Tree.

While the Spirit Guide feat represents a hero's main spirit guide, the talents on this tree represent other spirits that are helpful to the hero and that share their power and knowledge with him or her.
   Spirit of Defense: You gain a +4 bonus to DR/AC for the duration of a number of combat encounters each day equal to your Wisdom bonus.
     Prerequisite: Spirit Guide feat
   Spirit of Might: You gain a +4 bonus to damage and attack rolls for the duration of a number of combat encounters each day equal to the hero's Wisdom bonus +2. This bonus stacks will all other, regardless of source.
     Prerequisite: Spirit Guide feat
   Spirit of Magic: You may cast a number of 0- 1st-, or 2nd-level spells from the Divination school equal to your Wisdom bonus each day. These spells are added to any amount of spells you can cast from class benefits, feats. or other traits. 
  Prerequisite: Spirit Guide feat


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

RPG-a-Day #3: Feat Ideas from Key Words

Here are some d20 System feats inspired by the key words for the third RPG-a-Day prompt. (I may be doing this wrong, but if you have comments or thoughts, feel free to share.)

These feats are strictly 1st-draft material that flowed straight from my head and onto your computer screen. Any comments you wish to make are welcomed. (All text in this post is presented under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2021 Steve Miller)

Grounded in Reality [General, Smart Hero]
You naturally form a strong mental image of your surroundings and are hard to fool by illusions and similar trickery.
   Prerequisite: Situational Awareness feat
   Benefit: By foregoing initiative (automatically going last in a combat, or taking a full round action), the character gains a +2 bonus to Will saves to resist illusions and all mind-effecting magic and environmental effects or creature abilities. This bonus stacks with other Will save bonuses. 
   Additionally, when re-entering a room or otherwise limited space that he or she has previously been in (even for just a moment), the character may instantly notice curious changes, like pictures on the walls changing, or furniture now standing at a different angle, or one bust of a matched set on a mantle that was there before but is now gone. The GM rolls a secret Spot check (base DC11, with any environmental modifiers that seem appropriate) for the character to notice, and then points out the possibly adventure-relevant or other curious changes in the space. 
   The character (or his or her allies) must still use other appropriate skills--such as Search or Research--to determine exactly what is going on in the area. The character with this feat gains a +2 bonus to skill checks related to the search, while granting all allies searching +1 bonuses to their skill checks.

Risk Assessment [General, Fast Hero]
You can quickly determine how dangerous a situation is and adjust accordingly.
   Prerequisite: Situational Awareness feat
   Benefit: At the beginning of a combat encounter before initiative is rolled, or before making a skill check to undertake a dangerous non-combat action, the character may take a full round action to evaluate the situation and carefully study opponents and surroundings. The character gains the full benefit of his or her Defense Rating during this round, and may take 5-foot adjustments to seek cover from ranged attacks if necessary. During this time, the character is observing foes and evaluating their skill levels and combat tactics, or performing an extra careful analysis of the risky action he or she is about to perform.
    If in a combat situation, the character rolls imitative at the beginning of the next round. The character gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks made  for the rest of the combat encounter.
   If the character was evaluating the circumstances under which to perform a non-combat action, the character gains a +4 bonus to whatever the main skill check for the action is, as well as a +2 bonus to any skill checks that are immediately related to the action 

Situational Awareness [General, Fast Hero]
You are keenly aware of your surroundings and any lurking threats.
   Benefit: Gain a +2 bonus to all Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot skill checks.

I suppose one can say these feats belong to the Situational Awareness group. Perhaps there's an idea for a little product collecting new and existing feats and perhaps a couple talent trees in that. (Something along the lines of Feats of Seduction and Subterfuge or Feats for Those Who Carry a Badge.)

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

d20 System Feat: Like a Phoenix

Here's a d20 System feat similar to something we may already have done something similar to in Secrets of the Immortals. If we didn't, we probably should have.

LIKE A PHOENIX [General, Minor Power]
When the character dies, he or she is instantly reborn in a blast of fire.
   Prerequisite: Strength 12, Constitution 13, Charisma 12
: Whenever the character is reduced to -10 hit points, his or her body explodes, causing 1d10+10 points of fire damage to all living beings within melee range. Any non-magical items carried or won by the character are reduced to smoldering ash, as is the character's body.
   The player of the deceased character should roll initiative for the following round. On the indicated initiative, a swirl of embers and smoke solidifies into the character's body, at full hit points, and cured of any temporary penalties to attributes or levels. The character is completely nude when resurrected in this fashion.
   Special: Whenever the character is recreated from his or her ashes, the character loses a maximum of 500XP (to the minimum needed to retain his or her current level). The character's age is also reduced 1d6+6 years (to the minimum starting age). Additionally, the player must roll a successful Fortitude save (DC18). If the saving throw fails, the character suffers a permanent loss of 1 Constitution point.
   If the character's Constitution is reduced to 11 or lower, this feat no longer provides any benefit.

(All text in this post is presented under the Open Game License, and it may be reproduced in accordance with its terms.)

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Feats for Feet!

Here are some feats for characters who are light on their feet! (The text in this post is released under the Open Game License and it may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2020 Steve Miller.)

You're hard to knock and keep off your feet..
   Prerequisite: Dexterity 15
   Benefit: If you fail an attribute check to resist a trip attempt, you may roll a Reflex saving throw (DC14) to avoid being tripped. Further, standing up from a prone position is a free action. 
   Normal: Standing is normally a move-equivalent action.

BACKWARDS AND IN HEELS [Ninja Cutie, Sister of Bastet]
Not only do high heels not slow you down, they make you deadlier!
   Prerequisite: 3rd level, Dex 14, Cha 14
   Benefit: When wearing high heels, except for stiletto heels, the character gains a +2 bonus to all the following skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Jump, Move Silently, and Perform (dance).

[Ninja Cutie, Sister of Bastet]
Whether you have them on your feet or in your hands, you make stiletto-heeled shoes as dangerous as the knife they are named for.
   Prerequisite: Backwards and in Heels feat
   Benefit: When wearing stilettos, you gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidation skill checks. Additionally, you wield a stiletto as a melee weapon that deals a based damage of 1d6 points.
   Special: When this feat is selected, the character automatically gains Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency (stiletto heel shoe) as a bonus feat. Additionally, the character can wield two stiletto-heeled shoes at once without any penalties if she possesses the Two-Weapons Fighting feat.

DANCING QUEEN [Fast Hero, Bard, Fighter, Rogue]
You can dance, you can fight!
   Prerequisite: Perform [dance] 2 ranks
   Benefit: The character practices mixed martial arts. Add 1/2 of the character's ranks (round down) in the Perform [dance] skill to all melee attack rolls.


Running away is something you're good at.
   Prerequisite: Run, Dexterity 13
   Benefit: You are not subject to attacks of opportunity, nor flanking attacks, nor loss of Dexterity bonuses, when retreating from melee combat or other situations where they might occur, so long as you are moving at your base speed or higher.

(Thanks to L.L. Hundal for these!)

Friday, May 22, 2020

A new release, now at DriveThruRPG!

It's been a while since we've produced an actual product. That changes today! For A Song and a Dance is now available at DriveThruRPG, and it can be yours for... well, whatever you feel like paying for it.

The content of the product was all inspired by popular music and Christmas songs. Much of it originally appeared here on the blog, but it has been revised to a greater or lesser degree based on feedback from readers or the players in L.L. Hundal's game group.

Here's a list of the songs and artists that inspired the material in For a Song and a Dance, along with the type and amount of content they gave rise to:

Clothes of the Dead by Bongos, Bass, and Bob: Radom Tables to Generate Clothes Found in Thrift Stores.
Daddy Cool by Boney M: One Talent Tree (Five Talents)
Dancing Queen by Abba: One Feat
Dude Looks Like a Lady by Aerosmith: One Feat
I'll Be There by The Escape Club: One Character Template
Jingle Bells: One Magic Item
Little Drummer Boy: One Artifact, Two Magic Items
Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley: One Talent Tree (Four Talents)
Safety Dance by Men Without Hats: Two Feats
Sharped Dressed Man by ZZ Top: Six Artifacts
Simply Irresistible by Robert Palmer: One Feat
We Three Kings: One Feat, One Magic Item

And, just because, here are videos for some of those great songs that we've not yet featured here on the blog...

Aerosmith's "Dude Looks Like a Lady":

Robert Palmer's "Simply Irresistible":

and finally...

The Escape Club's immortal "I'll Be There":

Please check out For a Song and a Dance at DriveThruRPG... and let us know what you think of it. We'll be here.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

In Observation of April 1st...

A d20 System feat like no other....

When you wake up in the morning, you are blessed with a supernatural benefit granted by the Three Great Spirits of Nyuk-Nyuk-Nyuk.
   Benefit: Roll 1d6 once per day and consult the table below. The character gains the indicated benefit until he or she goes to sleep that night or is dropped below 0 hit points.
   1-2. Damage reduction 10 for injuries suffered from unarmed attacks and blunt weapons.
   3-4. Successful unarmed attacks deal no damage, but instead you poke the opponent in the eyes, blinding them for 1d2+1 rounds.
   5-6. When in the company of at least two other PCs, the character may force all opponents to make Will saves (DC5+your character level) at the beginning of an encounter. Those who fail the saves are confused for 1d2+1 rounds. This is a standard action.

(All text in this post is presented under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2020 by Steve Miller.)

Saturday, August 17, 2019

A new feat for the artistically inclined d20 System character

As with much of what can be found on this blog, this feat is presented with OGL Modern in mind, but it can be used it any d20 System game that has feats. (The classes mentioned in the brackets should consider this feat as an addition to the the list of bonus feats they may choose from at character creation or during level advancement.)

[Charismatic Hero, Dedicated Hero, Bard, Cleric]
   Prerequisite: Wisdom 13 You take artistic expression and merge it with other expressions, transforming it.
   Benefit: +4 bonus to all Perform skills, as well as to Crafting skills that involve designing garments, musical instruments, and tools, or creating works of art, literature, philosophy, and so on. You also gain a +2 bonus to all Knowledge skill checks.

 The text in this post is released under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2019 by Steve Miller.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

d20 System Feats for the Believer!

Your belief in a higher power is unshakable... and it may even be stronger than the cleric who leads the gathering of faithful you worship with. You do not wear the cloth, because you have been called to serve in a different way. But you know that your god watches over you and smiles upon your deeds. You know, because you have experienced miracles and you know that your faith has seen you through situations where non-believers would have perished.

Here are a couple of d20 System feats for characters who have strong faith in higher powers, but who are not priests, clerics, or some other religious leader. In fact, these feats are specifically not for classes that have access to divine spells. Instead, they are for the lay-person.
   Like most of the material we create for d20 System games, d20 Modern and compatible games is premiere in our minds, but this material is easily adapted to StarFinder and any other game that uses the d20 System as its core engine.
   The rest of this post is released under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2019 Steve Miller.

FAITHFUL [General, Dedicated Hero]
Sometimes, your faith in greater powers is rewarded.
   Prerequisite: Intelligence 11, Wisdom 13
   Benefit: State a religion your character believes in, firmly. When something goes terribly wrong--such as failing a crucial skill check, fail a life-or-death saving throw (and circumstances are such that you know it), or similar event--your character's deeply held faith may cause the greater powers in the universe to take notice and intervene on your behalf. Invoke this feat immediately after the failed roll. You may reroll it with a +4 bonus. If the second roll succeeds, something miraculous happens that allows the character to recover from the failure.
   This feat may be used a number of times equal to the character's Wisdom bonus each game session.
   Special: Clerics and other characters who gain spells from supernatural beings may not select this feat; the greater powers in the universe already give them plenty in return for their faith. If a character with this feat gains the ability to cast divine spells or gains wizard spells through deals with powerful beings, all benefits from this feat are lost

MARTYR [General, Dedicated Hero]
You suffer for your faith, knowing that you will be rewarded.
   Prerequisite: Faithful
   Benefit: As your character looses hit points from damage suffered while fighting for (or otherwise working toward) a cause he or she believes in, extra reserves of energy born from the deeply held knowledge that you are sacrificing for a greater cause.
   The benefits from this feat depend on how many hit points the character has lost. The benefits to do stack; the replace one another as the character is injured.
   Down Between 10% and 25% of full hit point total: +1 bonus to all saving throws and skill checks.
   Down Between 25%  and 50% of full hit point total: +2 bonus to all attack rolls and saving throws.
   Down Between 50% and 75% of full hit point total: +4 bonus to all saving throws and AC/DR.
   Down Between 75% and 100%: +4 bonus to all saving throws, regain 2d6 hit points for each successful saving throw rolled.
   Negative Hit Points, Between -1 and -10: Roll a Fortitude saving throw. If successful, regain 2d6 hit points. If the character's hit point total is still a negative number, the character is unconcious but stable.
   Negative Hit Points, Below -10: The character finds him- or herself engulfed in a bright light. He or she is given the choice to move onto the reward for dying in the service of the deeply held convictions and beliefs, or remain in the mortal realm of pain and suffering, as a disembodied spirit but with the ability to fight on. If the character rejects the reward, he or she immediately gains the Disembodied template.

If you found this post useful and/or entertaining, consider purchasing some of our products. It will encourage us to make more! Click here to see our entire catalog at DriveThruRPG!

Monday, February 25, 2019

The Power of Twins

In fantastic fiction (and perhaps even in reality?) twins share bonds far more powerful than other siblings. This feat attempts to model that. (All text in this post is presented under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2019 by Steve Miller.)

IDENTICAL TWIN [General, Character Creation Only]
You have an identical twin brother or sister.
Benefit: You gain several benefits from this feat.
   Twin: To use the benefits of this feat, you must create a second character--your primary character's twin. This second character has the same Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution attributes as the primary one, but you generate the Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma attributes according to the rules for character creation. You and your twin are basically physically identical, although more intellectual and ephemeral trains may be vastly different. Personal grooming and style may also make them appear differently, but Disguise skill checks or a make-over can make the characters apparent copies of each other. Classes/professions, skills, feats... all of those may be very different between the two characters. Both must have the Identical Twin feat.
   As the campaign is played, your twin gains XP at 1/2 the rate your primary character does. You may go back and forth between playing the characters, as described below under Trading Places.
   Sense Your Twin: You may detect the direction of your twin if he or she is alive, on the same plane as you, and you succeed in an Know Direction skill check against DC15 (or a Wisdom attribute check if you do not have that skill). In addition, you may know if your twin is in extreme pain or mental anguish. A failure on this check gives no information. You may retry once per round as a standard action.
   Dream Message: One every other night, you may send a dream message to your twin. As you are going to sleep, you must think about your twin and roll a successful Concentration skill check against a DC11 (or a successful Intelligence attribute check if you not have that skill). You appear in your twins dreams, and you may give him or her a message of any length. Your twin remembers every detail of the message when he or she awakens. If your twin is awake when you send the message, they will receive it the next time they fall asleep. If you fail the skill check, you must wait two nights before trying again. Your twin may send you messages the same way.
   Dream Visit: Once every four nights, you and your twin may communicate in dreams. Both characters must think of their twin as they are falling asleep and roll a successful Concentration skill check against DC13 (or a successful Intelligence attribute check for a Twin without the skill). If both characters make successful rolls, they share a hyper-realistic dream in which they are at some location where they both felt safe and happy. They may converse as if awake, and each twin remembers the dream clearly when he or she wakes up. If only one twin makes a successful roll, the communication is one-way. The twin with the successful roll may impart information to his or her twin (which will be remembered when the twin awakens) but nothing is gained in return. If both twins fail the roll, no communication is established, and four nights must pass before another attempt can be made. This ability only works if the twins are on the same plane.
   Trading Places: You may make arrangements to meet your twin somewhere that makes sense for adventure in progress (GM's call). The twin now becomes the primary character. The swap can be made in secret if the twins have made an effort to keep their physical appearances similar.
   Severed Bond: If your twin is killed, you must make a Will saving throw (DC12). If the save fails, you suffer a -2 penalty to all skill checks and attack rolls until you get a good night's sleep because you feel like something is wrong. When you sleep, you have a dream in which your twin tells you goodbye and you see a clear vision of his or her fate, including who was responsible for the death if the twin knows. You loose the Twin feat and may select one of the following in its place: Alertness, Danger Sense, Headstrong, LuckySelfless, Vengeful (or another feat by GM permission). Your character must qualify for any feat selected.
   If it is your primary character that is killed, you may bring the twin into the game as described under Trading Places.
   Special: You may only take this feat as a starting feat during character creation.