On Halloween, 1928, Bessie Love had her first of many encounters with evil-doers trying to harness magic and enchanted artifacts left behind after the fall of ancient Atlantis. She prevented a necromancer from harnessing the powers of the Gourdians, and, in doing so, came into possession of the Crown of Eternal Mastery. She even wore it to a Halloween Party that night--where she accidentally gained some insight into its powers. (Bessie found herself to be a better dancer than she had ever been before, as well as feeling more limber and dexterous while waring the Crown. She took this to mean that it enhanced a person's agility and dexterity. She failed to imagine the full power of the item, and she put it away in her collection of magical artifacts without ever realizing the truth.)
This is a large, elaborate headdress that consists of a caul that's covered with a complex and tangled arrangement of gemstones and pearls on strings or set into delicate platinum frames. It represents the pinnacle of magical craftsmanship based in a fusion of the now-mostly forgotten Atlantean magical disciplines of Biomancy and Technomancy. It absorbs all knowledge and skills possessed by someone who dies while wearing it, allowing others to later access and use it as if it was their own. Each pearl contains the sum total of experience and knowledge possessed by a person who has passed on. Each gem houses not only a person's knowledge and experience but their personality as well.
If it is subjected to methods that reveal magical auras, the Crown of Eternal Mastery is revealed to be imbued with powerful magics of an undeterminable variety. If the character attempting to analyze the item's magical aura is a skilled at creating enchanted items, he or she can make an Arcane Lore or Spellcraft skill check (DC18) to determine that there are faint undercurrents of abjuration and necromantic magic in the otherwise alien emanations.
Using the Crown of Eternal Mastery
When worn, the Crown of Eternal Mastery provides the wearer with a +2 bonus to Will saves. Additionally, the character can gain bonuses to skill checks and attack rolls for a limited time.
Unless the character somehow gains access to ancient Atlantean means of determining the functions of magical items, the Crown of Eternal Mastery will initially seem to function at random. Whenever the character wearing the Crown makes an attack roll or skill check, the GM should roll against the following table. The character gains the indicated bonuses for the duration of the encounter; until another skill check is made; until the character falls unconscious or goes to sleep; or for six hours. The GM decides which of the three options makes the most sense in the context of when the item is triggered.
The bonuses provided by the Crown stack with all other bonuses. The bonuses do not count for purposes of damage resistance against non-magical weapons.
d20 Roll Result
1 +4 bonus to all Strength-based skill checks.
2 +2 bonus to all Strength-based skill checks,
+2 bonus to all melee attack rolls/melee damage rolls.
3 +4 bonus to all Dexterity-based skill checks
4 +2 bonus to all Dexterity-based skill checks,
+2 bonus to all ranged attack rolls.
5 +4 bonus to all Constitution-based skill checks.
6 +4 bonus to all Intelligence-based skill checks.
7 +6 bonus to all Craft skill checks.
8 +4 bonus to all Wisdom-based skill checks.
9 +4 bonus to all Charisma-based skill checks.
10 +6 bonus to all Perform skill checks.
11 +4 bonus to attack/damage with bladed melee weapons.
12 +4 bonus to attack/damage with blunt melee weapons.
13 +4 bonus to attack/damage with thrown weapons.
14 +4 bonus to ranged attack rolls.
15 +8 bonus to all Knowledge skill checks.
16 +8 bonus to all Perform skill checks with instruments.
17 +8 bonus to Acrobatics and Perform (Dance) skill checks.
18 +8 bonus to Hide and Move Silently skill checks.
19 Roll twice on this table, ignoring and re-rolling additional
results of 19. Gain both benefits.
20 Gain instant knowledge of the purpose of the Crown
and how to properly use it.
Whenever the character is under one of the benefits of the Crown, he or she feels like some unseen presence is there, watching. The GM should also secretly roll 1d6. On a "6", the character hears a faint voice, a barely audible whisper that is so faint the character can't hear what is being said. The third time the character hears the voice, he or she is finally able to discern the words: The voice is explaining how to use the Crown of Eternal Mastery.
Using the Crown of Eternal Mastery Properly
The character wearing the Crown of Eternal Mastery may attempt to invoke its powers once per round. To do so, the character takes a standard action, and the player rolls a Willpower saving throw (DC11). If the roll is successful, the player declares which of the following benefits the character gains:
* +4 bonus to all attack rolls, and a +4 bonus to all skill checks under the physical attributes (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution).
* +4 bonus to all attack rolls, and a +4 bonus to all skill checks under mental attributes (Intelligence, Wisdom).
* +4 bonus to all attack rolls, and a +6 bonus to all skill checks under the Charisma attribute.
* +6 bonus to all Demotions, Disable Device, Hide, and Move Silently skill checks.
* +8 bonus to all Knowledge skill checks.
The bonuses lasts for six hours, or until the character chooses another set of bonuses. The bonuses also end if the character falls unconscious or goes to sleep while wearing the crown. (See "Drawbacks of the Crown of Eternal Mastery", below, for more.)
If the Will saving throw to properly activate the Crown's benefits fails, the GM rolls on the table of random bonuses.
Drawbacks of the Crown of Eternal Mastery
If the character falls unconscious or goes to sleep while wearing the crown, one of the personalities in housed in the gems takes control of the character's body. The character retains all physical attributes (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution), but the Charisma attribute is temporarily reduced by 2 points. Mental attributes (Intelligence and Wisdom) are replaced by those of the controlling spirit. The possessing spirit has access to all of the player character's memories and skills, as well as well as its own. The spirit is motivated primarily by a desire to keep the player character safe and help him or her to succeed. (Whether the GM plays the character while it is inhabited by a different spirit is up to the GM.)
If the player character dies while wearing the Crown of Eternal Mastery, his or her spirit is instantly absorbed into one of the Crown's gems and is added to the preserved knowledge and skill mastery preserved within it.
Destroying the Crown of Eternal Mastery
Any method that will destroy a normal magic item will destroy the Crown of Eternal Mastery. However, 1d6+2 angry ghosts emerge from the Crown and attack those who are attempting to destroy it.
All text in this post is presented under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright 2022 by Steve Miller.