During the initial d20 System book a decade or so ago, that misnomer seemed to seize a number of designers and gamers again, so I returned to the notion and produced these feats. Maybe I need to write a "Modern Advances: Gangbanger" class to go with them.)
By the way, this return to the NUELOW Games' ancient archives was prompted by two things: L.L. Hundal has proposed a cute little RPG featuring fairies that we're working on... and a thought on my part that I need to finish NUELOW Second Edition, a revamp of the "Horndogs!" game that followed "Fairies!"
These feats are presented under the Open Gaming License. If you wish to reuse them, please credit Steve Miller and NUELOW Games as the original source.
Gangbanger [General, Sex]
You love group sex and excel at it... the more the merrier!
Prerequisite: Staying Power
Benefit: The character gains a +2 competency bonus to Acrobatics and Seduction checks for each sexual partner in addition to the first when engaged in group sex activities. You also gain a +1 bonus for every sex partner (including yourself) to Staying Power Fortitude saves.
Great Cleavage [General] (Female Version)
The character’s chest area is deemed attractive to those of appropriate sexuality.
Prerequisite: Female of a general humanoid appearance, 17 STR Maximum
Benefit: When wearing appropriately skimpy attire, the character receives a +2 bonus to all Diplomacy and Seduction skill checks against characters of the appropriate sexuality.
Special: The character can make a WIS check (DC18) to pose just right to reveal the maximum amount of cleavage while still leaving something to the imagination and gain a +3 situational bonus to Entertain or Seduction.
Great Cleavage [General] (Male Version)
The character’s chest area is deemed attractive to those of appropriate sexuality.
Prerequisite: Male humanoid, 17+ STR
Benefit: When wearing appropriately skimpy attire, the character receives a +2 bonus to all Diplomacy and Seduction skill checks against characters of the appropriate sexuality.
Special: The character can make a DEX check (DC18) to flex his muscles and gain a +3 situational bonus to Entertain or Intimidate.
Sexual Prowess [General, Sex]
You can please yourself and your sex partner(s) in amazing and creative fashions.
Benefit: +2 bonus to Acrobatics and Seduction skill checks when used in sexual situations.
Shameless [General]
You keep your cool in situations where most others would either be ashamed, embarrassed or painfully self-aware.
Benefit: +2 bonus to Bluff and all Perform skill checks.
Special: If the character has 5 or more ranks in Perform (acting), this feat grants a +2 synergy bonus to Diplomacy skill checks.
Staying Power [General, Sex]
You can keep going all day and all night.
Prerequisite: Sexual Prowess
Benefit: When engaging in sexual activities, you can remain tireless and "turned on" for one hour per Constitution bonus. When you reach the end of the time period, you can roll a Fort save (DC12) to keep going for an additional number of hours equal to your Constitution bonus. The DC for the Fort save increases by +4 for each time beyond the first time it is used in a 24-hour period. Once the Fort save has been failed, the character slips into a deeply satisfying sleep for 1d8+4 hours.