Thursday, May 24, 2018

A d20 System feat for our time: Magnificent Mustache!

All text in this post is released under the Open Game License and may be reproduced according to its terms. Copyright 2018 Steve Miller.


Magnificent Mustache [General]
You have spectacular display of hair on your upper lip!
   Benefit: Gain +2 bonus to all Buff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skill checks. The bonus increases to +4 if the character is female.
   Special: If you fail a Buff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate skill check. You may immediately attempt to recover, and you may re-roll the check with a -4 penalty. If this second skill check fails, you suffer a -4 penalty to all Intelligence- and Charisma-based skill checks for 24 hours.
If your mustache is shaved off , you lose all benefits of this feat. It takes 1d2+2 weeks for your mustache to return to its former glory and regain the feat's benefit.

This feat was inspired by the events leading up to the cancelling of the US/North Korean Summit, as well as NUELOW Games' announced tie-in ROLF!: For the Love of Cake

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Who Killed the Radio Star?

Roland Mann's voice was known to millions, and the news and rumors and just plain weirdness he discussed on his award-winning radio show amused, outraged, or angered those who listened for four hours every week day. But his voice has been brutally silenced. Forever.
Roll 1d12 against each of the tables below to randomly generate an outline for a murder mystery adventure that you can flesh out for the player characters in your campaign to solve.

1. On the roof of the broadcast center.
2. In the recording studio.
3. In the engineering booth.
4. In the program director's office.
5. The parking garage.
6. Onboard his yacht.
7. In his living room.
8. In his backyard.
9. In the trunk of his car.
10. In his ex-wife's bedroom. (Roll for which ex-wife: 1-3. #1, 4-6, #2, 7-9, #3, 10-12, #4.)
11. In his agent's office.
12. In his lover's condo.

1. Electrocuted.
2. Stabbed 1d12 times.
3. Shot 1d6 times.
4. Hanged.
5. Strangled with a microphone cord.
6. Head bashed in with with one of his Radio Personality of the Year awards.
7. Poisoned.
8. Drug overdose.
9. Suffocated.
10. Beaten to death with a 1-5. baseball bat, 6-10. hammer, 11-12, bare hands.
11. Roll two more times on this table, ignoring and rerolling any results of 11 and 12. Both means of attack caused his death. If you roll the same result twice, the killer was REALLY throrough.
12. Roll three more times on this table, ignoring and rerolling any results of 11 and 12. All three means of attack caused his death.

1. His Wife.
2. His Ex-Wife. (Roll for which ex-wife: 1-3. #1, 4-6, #2, 7-9. #3, 10-12. #4.)
3. His Lover. (Roll for which sex. 1-8. Female, 9-12. Male.)
4. His Agent.
5. His Producer.
6. His Chief Rival.
7. The Television Producer.
8. The Investigative Reporter.
9. The Senator.
10. The Retired FBI Agent.
11. The Drug Dealer to the Stars
12. Roll two more times on this table, ignoring and rerolling any results of 12. If the same result is rolled twice, it indicates just one character, but he or she is being framed for the murder. Everyone BUT the indicated characters were involved with committing the murder.

1. Hatred.
2. Jealousy.
3. Lust.
4. Greed.
5. He broke a promise to the killer for the last time.
6. He was blackmailing the killer.
7. He was going to reveal the existence of a cult and had to be silenced. (Roll for the nature of the cult. 1-3. World domination through demon worship and subliminal messages in broadcasts, 4-5. Personal wealth and power through demon worship, 6-10. Eternal youth through human sacrifices, 11-12. World destruction through the worship of the Old Ones.
8. He was going to reveal the existence of a child sex abuse ring.
9. He was going to unmask the killer as being a foreign agent devoted to sowing distrust and discord among the American people.
10. To be a sacrifice to a demonic entity.
11. He was going to tell the world about his status as a foreign agent dedicated to distablizing American society, and the killer was his handler.
12. Roll two more times on this table, ignoring and rerolling results of 12.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Who Killed the Dealer?

To a few, she was Lady Luck personified. To most, she was merely the one who dealt the cards and took their chips. Now she's dead.

Melissa Blacktongue has been murdered, and the players in your game can solve the mystery surrounding her death. The basics of the case can be generated by rolling 1d12 against the tables below, and you can develop them into an adventure for your campaign.

1. In the Pit Boss's Office.
2. At the Back of the Cash Cage.
3. In the Casino's Vault.
4. On the Casino's Loading Dock.
5. In the High Roller Suite at the Casino's Hotel.
6. In the High Roller Suite at a Rival Casino's Hotel.
7. In the Casino Hotel's Swimming Pool.
8. On the Ancient Indian Burial Ground.
9. In Her Living Room.
10. On a Remote Desert Highway.
11. Behind the Strip Club.
12. In the VIP Lounge at the Strip Club.

1. Strangled.
2. Stabbed 1d12 times.
3. Shot 1d6 times.
4. Skull crushed by 1d6 blows.
5. Beaten to death with 1-5. a baseball bat, 6-10. a hammer, 11-12, bare hands.
6. Poisoned.
7. Drug Overdose.
8. Sulphuric Acid Poured Down Throat.
9. Slender Spoke Driven Through the Left Ear and Into Her Brain.
10. Electrocuted.
11. Throat Slit.
12. Roll two more times on this table, re-rolling any results of 12. She was killed by a combination of the indicated methods.

1. The Pit Boss.
2. The Degenerate Gambler.
3. The Illusionist.
4. The Exotic Dancer.
5. The Prostitute. (1-6. Male, 7-12. Female)
6. The Gangster.
7. The Con Artist
8. The Drug Dealer.
9. The Thief
10. The Private Detective.
11. Her Ex-Lover. (1-9. Male, 10-12. Female)
12. Her Current Lover (1-9. Male, 10-12. Female)

1. Hatred.
2. Lust.
3. Greed.
4. Revenge.
5. The murderer thought she was having an affair with his/her spouse. (Roll two more time on the  WHO KILLED HER table to see who the spouse is. If the same result comes up again, they share professions/descriptors but there are still two people. If the spouse result is rolled twice, the Dealer was having an affair... if it doesn't, she was not cheating with the spouse.)
6. She tried to blackmail the murderer because he was having an affair. (Roll again on the WHO KILLED HER table to determine who he/she was having the affair with. If the murderer is rolled again, ignore and re-roll.
7. She discovered the killer was planning to rob the casino. (Roll three more times on the WHO KILLED HER table to determine who else was in on the plot. Do no re-roll duplicate results.)
8. She shared a plan to rob the casino with the killer, who killed her and took it.
9. She discovered the casino's game's are rigged.
10. To stop her from revealing the killer's dark secret. (Roll on the WHAT IS THE DARK SECRET table to determine what it is.)
11. She was the illegitimate child of a billionaire who left her a sizable protion of his fortune. The killer is also an heir, and he/she would get the her portion if she can't be located by the estate alive.
12. As above, except the killer frames the Private Detective for the murder. (He had identified the dealer as their heir but had not had a chance to notify the estate or make contact with her yet.)

1-2. The killer is about to complete a ritual that will reanimate 1d12+12 of the dead in the ancient indian burial groud and cause them to attack the living. (Use wight statistics, or whatever other undead creature is suitable in your game system.)
3-6. The killer is looting a cave of Spanish gold and other artifacts that belong to the Native American tribe on the reservation.
7-10. The killer is a corrupt federal agent who has been helping the mob rig the casino games and steal winnings.
11-12. The killer raped and murdered the dealer's sister.

If you liked this post, you may also like Along the Way. It's one of our actual published products, and it lets you randomly generate adventures for player characters who are traveling. Click here to buy a copy and encourage us to make more like it!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Who Killed the Banker?

Peter Davis Blane's small bank was known for its fairness in giving loans, and even for sometimes being generous with extensions if a debtor fell behind in payments... but he never let kindness threaten the profitability of his business.  He ran his bank like he ran his life--efficiently and with a velvet-covered iron fist on the tiller. And now he's dead.

Can the player characters catch the killer in the dramatic adventure that can be created around the outline that can be randomly generated with these tables?

1. In the bank vault.
2. In his office.
3. In his bedroom.
4. In his misstress's bedroom.
5. In the Impressionists gallery at the art museum.
6. In the VIP lounge at the strip club.
7. Behind the orphanage.
8. In the crackhouse.
9. In the sauna at the health club.
10. In the kitchen of his beach house.
11. In the park.
12. On a dock at the marina.

1. Decapitated.
2. Stabbed through the heart with a gold-plated letter opener.
3. Shot in the back of the head, execution style.
4. Shot 1d6 times.
5. Stabbed 1d12 times.
6. Suffocated.
7. Choked by pages of Das Kaptial shoved down his throat.
8. Broken Neck.
9. Drug Overdose.
10. Skull Crushed with a Heavy Object.
11. Beaten to Death with Fists.
12. Forced to Drink Bleach.

1. His Wife.
2. His Mistress.
3. His Drug-Addicted Son.
4. His Rebellious Daughter.
5. His Secretary.
6. The Professional Hitman.
7. The Bankrupt Business Owner.
8. The Foreclosed-on Farmer.
9. The Anarchist.
10. The Terrorist.
11. The Bank Robber.
12. Roll two more times on this table, re-rolling any additional results of 12. The first result is being framed for the murder. The second result is the actual killer.

1. Greed.
2. Jealousy.
3. Hatred.
4. Revenge.
5. He refused to cooperate with the killer in robbing the bank.
6. He refused to cooperate with the killer in embezzling money from the bank.
7. He cheated the killer out of his full share of money stolen from the bank.
8. He took money from a account belonging to a dead person that he thought no one knew existed.
9. The killer was hired by someone else. (Roll again on the "Who Killed Him" table, as well as on the Dark Secrets table to learn why the killer wanted the banker dead.)
10. He was going to come clean to the world about his own dark secret, and the killer had to stop him. (Roll on the Dark Secrets table to determine what the secret was.)
11. The murderer is insane, and will kill the other people on the "Who Killed Him" list every three days until the party stops the slaughter. (All the victims knew both the banker and the killer.)
12. As 11, but roll on the Dark Secrets table to see why the murderer is on a killing spree.

1. The bank is funded with Nazi gold (and the same is true of the banker's personal fortune).
2. The bank's main business is laundering money for a drug cartel.
3. The bank's main business is to manage CIA black budget funds, including all expenses relating to black-bag torture sites.
4. The bank's main business is funneling money to terrorist groups and "rogue regimes".
5. The killer comitted rape and the banker covered it up.
6. The killer comitted rape and got tired of paying blackmail to the banker, who had witnessed it.
7. The banker operates a child pornography and sex slave ring.
8. The killer was sexually abused by the banker years ago.
9. The banker could no longer bear keeping the secret that he (1-8 accidentially, 9-12 intentionally) killed the murderer's best friend years ago.
10. His mistress was pregant with their child.
11. He forced his mistress to abort their love child.
12. The banker killed a girl while in college, and killer had been blackmailing him about it. He was going to turn himself and the killer in to the authories.

A d20 System feat in observance of Mother's Day!

And its text is presented under the Open Game License, so you can republish it accordingly. Copyright Steve Miller 2018.

MOM VOICE [General]
You can make people knock that crap off with just a few words.
   Prerequisite: Mom
   Benefit: Roll a Bluff or Intimidate skill check. All beings with an Intelligence of 3 or higher must roll Will saves with a target equal to your skill check +6. Those who fail the saving throw must immediately stop whatever they're doing for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus, during which time you may attempt to reason with them using Diplomacy or Bluff.
    Those who save against the Mom Voice suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and skill checks for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus. If they attack a target who didn't save, the target may attack back with the same -2 penalty.
    All initiatives must be re-rolled at the beginning of the round following the use of Mom Voice.
    Special: Targets of the Mom Voice must be able to hear the user, but they do not need to understand the words spoken; the tone is universal.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Artifacts of the Sharp-Dressed Man (for d20 Modern)

How this collection of artifacts came into existence is unknown. They were first documented by paranormal investigator Marion K. Bassett when she was hired to inventory the belongings of occultist Ulysses Sheltner. Like most of the magical items that had been owned by Sheltner, they were stolen soon thereafter. The whereabouts of the artifacts are currently unknown.

This matched set of gold cufflinks, engraved with the initials U.S., give the wearer a +2 bonus to all Open Locks and Sleight of Hand skill checks, as well as a +1 bonus to all other Dexterity checks that involved manipulating small items and delicate equipment or machinery.

This broad, gold pinky ring with a diamond inset gives the wearer a +2 bonus to all Search and Spot skill checks.

This bulging alligator skin billfold increases the Wealth score of the person carrying it by 2.

This ornate pocket watc--with a flip-cover that sports a highly styalized pentagram and a face featuring small roman numerals--is on a 10-inch gold chain that must be fastened to an item of the character's clothing. When the watch on the chain is spun rapidly in a clockwise direction for a round, it puts the wearer under the effects of a haste spell for six rounds. When spun rapidly in a counter-clockwise direction, all other creatures within a 12-foot radius must roll Will saves of be subjected to the effects of a Slow spell for six rounds. The watch can only evoke a magical effect once every 12 hours, but it tells perfect time.

This golden stick pin has a small ruby in a sunburst-themed housing at its top. It provies the wearer with a +2 bonus to all Charisma-based skill checks.
   The stick pin also can be used as an improvised weapon that deals a base of 1 point piercing damage. For purposes of resistances, it is a +1 weapon.

This black overcoat grants the wearer a +1 bonus to Defense Rating, as well as a +2 bonus to all Fortitude saves made against damage from any elemental source (like the fireball or ice storm spells).

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Who Killed the Triathlete?

Marlon Booker had never met a sport he didn't like and didn't engage in at least once. He skied and swam and bike-raced and played hockey and basketball and soccer and baseball, and so on and so forth. His claim to fame, though, were marathons and triathlons, and everyone felt he was guaranteed to win the Guardian City Triathlon and thus the greatest completion of his life.

But on the eve of the big event, he was found dead.

Can the heroes discover who killed the triathlete in this randomly generated mystery adventure?

1. Floating in the lake.
2. In the high school gymnasium.
3. In the stadium parking lot.
4. In the strip club.
5. Outside the headquarters of the sports apparel manufacturer.
6. Outside his coach's home.
7. In his main competitor's living room.
8. In his bedroom.
9. In his shower.
10. In his living room.
11. In the doctor's office.
12. In the alley behind the health club.

1.Drug Overdose.
2. Heart attack (induced with an undetectable drug).
3. Stabbed 1d12 times.
4. Shot 1d6 times.
5. Hanged.
6. Suffocated.
7. Hit by a car.
8. Bludgeoned to death with a sports trophy.
9. Choked on Speedo swimwear forced down his throat.
10. Beaten to death with his bicycle.
11. His organs were harvested, his blood drained.
12. Garroted.

1. His Coach.
2. His Main Competitor
3. The Sports Company Ad Executive.
4. The High School Science Teacher.
5. The High School Cheerleader.
6. The Sports Reporter
7. The Conspiracy Theorist.
8. The Retired Marine.
9. The Cultist.
10. His Wife (1-6. Current, 7-12. Former).
11. His Physician.
12. Roll two more times on this table. Ignore and re-roll results of 12. The first result is being framed for murder. The second result is the actual killer.

1. Jealousy.
2. Hatred.
3. For the Life Insurance Money.
4. Revenge.
5. Extremely Unhealthy Competition.
6. To Protect a Loved One.
7. To Prevent a Scandal.
8. To Preserve the Existence of an Evil Secret Society. (Roll 1d12. 1-3. He was a member; 7-12. He was not a member but learned of its existence.)
9. Because he was going to expose the murderer's dark secret. (Roll on the What is the Dark Secret table to find out what it was.)
10. Because was going to tell the world about his dark secret, and the murderer wanted him silenced. (Roll on the What is the Dark Secret table to find out what it was.)
11. It was part of a larger cover-up. (Roll on the What is the Dark Secret table to determine what is being covered up. Roll three times on the Who Killed Him table, ignoring results of 12. The killer and the indicated characters are involved in the cover up.)
12. Roll two more times on this table. Ignore and re-roll results of 12.

1. Teachers at the local high school are grooming cheerleaders and student athletes for nefarious purposes. (Roll a d12 to find out what: 1-3. Indoctrination into a demonic cult, 4-6. Recruitment into a secret super assassin training program, 7-9. Vessels for alien minds, 10-12. Sex slaves.)
2. Teachers are dealing drugs to the students at the local high school.
3. A teacher at the local high school is having an affair. (Roll d12 to determine with whom: 1-4. The triathlete, 5-6. The Cheerleader, 7-9. The Science Teacher, 10-12. The Sports Company Ad Executive.)
4. A High School Cheerleader who apparently died in an accident was murdered to cover up the fact that (1-4. he, 5-12 she) was assaulted and raped.
5. The Physician has been testing experimental steroids on his patients without their knowledge or permission.
6. Aliens are using the local health club as a source of bodies to transfer the minds of their overlords into.
7. The Triathlete was a secret agent. (Roll 1d12 to determine who he was working for. 1-3. A CIA assassin, 4-6. Russian intelligence agent sent to undermine US society and unity, 7-9. US Marine in secret task force devoted to stopping a hidden alien invasion, 10-12. Enforcer for a cult devoted to bringing about the end of the world).
8. The Sports Company Ad Executive is inserting subliminal mind-control messages into his company's marketing materials. (Roll 1d12 to determine who he was working for. 1-3. The Russians, 4-6. The Iranians, 7-9. Aliens., 10-12. The Illuminati.)
9. The Triathlete and his murderer are superhuman because: (Roll 1d12 to determine the reason. 1-4. They were the product of a secret genetic engineering program, 5-8. The are human/alien hybrids, 9-12. They are literally the spawns of Satan--part human, part fallen angel.
10. A cult is performing rituals designed to open the Gates of Hell under the high school.
11. An artificial, undetectable endurance enhancer is being provided to athletes, but long-term use drives them insane.
12. Roll twice on this table, ignoring and re-rolling any results of 12. Both dark secrets were contributing factors to the Triathlete's murder.

A theme song for this murder mystery...