The text in this post is released under the Open Game License and may be reproduced within the terms described in it. Copyright Steve Miller 2015.
To acquire this template, the character must submerge him- or herself (or be submerged) in the Pool of All.
Size and Type: Unchanged. However, creatures of the Undead or Outsider types may not take this template, nor may any beings that are mechanical or otherwise artificial in nature. Only mortal beings from the Prime Material Plane can take this template.
Hit Dice: As base creature.
Speed: As base creature
Armor Class/Defense Rating: As base creature.
Attack/Full Attack Bonus; As base creature.
Special Attacks/Special Defense: As base creature, plus the following:
*The character gains 2d6+1 lives (the GM secretly records this number and keeps track of them). Whenever the character reaches -10 hit points, an automatic process begins that recreates him or her, in body and spirit. For details, see "The Recreation Process" below.
*The character ages very slowly, with 100 years passing before the character ages the equivalent of one year.
*+6 to all saving throws to resist level draining, attribute draining, and aging attacks, spells, and spell-like effects and special abilities.
Abilities: As base creature, but subject to change, as described under "The Recreation Process."
Skills: All skills are retained, and may be improved in accordance with class and level advancement.
Feats and Talent Trees: Unchanged, but the character gains access to the Immortal feats and may select from that list whenever he or she gains a feat or bonus feat. See "Immortal Feats" below.
Terrain: Same as base creature, although many Immortals tend to travel to the most distant corners of the universe, in search of new horizons and experiences.
Organization/Allegiance: Solitary/Same as base creature, and other Immortals. Many Immortals who have been around for centuries also sometimes take to traveling with non-immortals to keep themselves humble and reminded of what they once were.
Challenge Rating; Same as base creature +1
Advancement: By character class.
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All versions of Aspen Lee together (1 and 2 are in the center, 8 is behind the camera). Time travel: It's the latest government secret (in 2692). [Photo by Noe Montes] |
When a character with the Immortal template falls to -10 hit points, a process that reconstitutes his or her being automatically begins.
Immediately upon reaching -10 hit points (or lower in the case of catastrophic damage), the character's body, clothes worn, and all carried equipment disintegrates with a burst of energy that deals 2d6+2 points of damage to all creatures within a 10-foot radius, An energy bubble with a 10-foot radius and centered on the place where the character's body had been forms. Creatures within the bubble who attempt to leave must roll a successful Fort save (DC12) or be stuck within it. They suffer 1d6 points of damage while pushing through the bubble if the save is successful.
If the Immortal died in an area with an environment that is lethal to him, the energy bubble moves to the nearest safe location. Any within it are ejected, even if they failed a saving throw in an attempt to exit, taking 1d6 points of damage. The bubble moves at a rate of 120 feet per round.
If the bubble does not move to a different location, 1d6 rounds following the death of the Immortal, the energy bubble collapses onto its center with a blinding flash. Any beings within the 10-foot radius suffer 2d6+2 points of damage. Any who witness the flash must roll Fort saves (DC15) or be blinded for one round.
In the wake of the flash, the immortal character has been returned to his or her physical form. He or she has been recreated--fully healed, cured of any ailments such as impaired senses, poisons or diseases, and with all equipment carried and clothes worn at the time of death likewise restored. However, the immortal isn't quite the same... the recreation process isn't perfect, and whenever the immortal undergoes it, he or she changes to a greater or lesser degree. Sometimes, it's just the color of his or her eyes that change, but more often than not, the change is so drastic that even those who have known the immortal for years will not recognize him or her. In some cases, the Immortal might not recognize them either, as his or her mind is sometimes effected by recreation process as well.
Changes to the Character as a Result of Recreation
Almost everything about a character can be impacted during Recreation, except his or her levels; even feats can be impacted under certain circumstances. To determine how the recreation process changes the Immortal, the character's player rolls the die specified on each table below and compares it to the results. The changes are then made on the character's sheet--or, ideally, the information is recorded on a new sheet entirely.
Attribute Changes
The player should roll 1d12 to determine which ability score changes, then roll the die indicated under the individual results to see to see by how much it changes.
1. Strength: Subtract 1d4 (to a minimum of 11)
2. Dexterity: Subtract 1d4 (to a minimum of 11)
3. Constitution: Subtract 1d4 (to a minimum of 11)
4. Wisdom: Subtract 1d4 (to a minimum of 11)
5. Charisma: Subtract 1d4 (to a minimum of 11)
6. No change to any ability scores.
7. Strength: Add 1d4 (to a maximum of 18)
8. Dexterity: Add 1d4 (to a maximum of 18)
9. Constitution: Add 1d4 (to a maximum of 18)
10. Wisdom: Add 1d4 (to a maximum of 18)
11. Charisma: Add 1d4 (to a maximum of 18)
12. Roll on this table twice, apply results.
If an attribute change causes the character to no longer qualify to have a particular feat, the feat may be replaced with any from the [Immortal] group, If that feat was a prerequisite for other feats possessed, those feats remain, but the character no longer gains any benefits from them until the prerequisite feat is once again acquired.
Sex Change
Roll 1d12 to see if the character's sex changes.
1-11. No change.
12. The sex changes to the opposite (male to female, or female to male)
General Physical Appearance Changes
Roll 1d12 and apply the change. Some results have sub-results that are determined by rolling 1d6.)
1. The character is 1d10% shorter (to racial minimum)
2. The character is 1d10% taller (to racial maximum)
3, The character's skin is paler (player can choose to what degree)
4. The character's physical frame becomes lankier or more willowy
5. The character's physical frame becomes more sturdy or bulkier
6. The character's facial profile changes (1. Weaker Chin, 2. Stronger Chin, 3. Bigger Nose, 4. Smaller Nose, 5. Higher Cheekbones, 6. More Pronounced Forehead)
7. The character's skin is darker (player can choose to what degree)
8. The character's race changes (GM chooses)
9. The character's eye color changes (1, Blue, 2. Green, 3. Brown, 4. Gray, 5. Violet, 6. Ice Blue.)
10.The character's hair changes (1. Curlier, 2. Straighter, 3. Streaked with White or Silver, 4. Same Color, but Darker, 5. Same Color, but Lighter, 6. Redhead)
11. Voice change (1-2. Much deeper, 3-4. Much higher, 5. Different regional accent than previously, 6. Player's choice of results)
12. Roll on this table twice, apply results.
Age Change
With Immortals, age is a relative term, since they age so much slower than other beings. To determine the impact on changes to the character's apparent physical age, use the guidelines for his or her original character race and apply any resulting changes to the physical ability scores (Intelligence and Wisdom are unaffected by this change).
1. 2d20 years older (maximum 70)
2-3. 2d10 years older (maximum 70)
4-9. No change
10-11. 2d20 years younger (minimum 14)
12. 2d10 years younger (minimum 14)
Alignment Change
For systems that use this mechanic, this table is used to determine of the character's alignment changes. Roll 1d12. If the character is not of the indicated initial alignment, there is no change.
1-2. Lawful changes to Neutral
3-4. Lawful changes to Chaotic
4-5 Neutral changes to Lawful
6-7 Neutral changes to Chaotic
8-9 Chaotic changes to Neutral
10-11. Chaotic changes to Lawful
12, Good changes to Evil.
Any class abilities, spells, or magic items that are alignment dependent are no longer usable for the character if his or her alignment becomes incompatible with them.
You can find them in this post.
The content of this post has been revised and combined with additional material in Secrets of the Immortals. If you enjoyed the material here, consider buying a copy, as it will encourage us to create more.
This is definitely an interesting kit. I will have to put this into the bag o GM tricks for sure.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoy it. Let me know how it works out for you shold it make it into a game,