Awakened characters may choose from the following feats whenever they gain feats from level advancement, as a way of modeling their increasing ability to tap into the angelic energies that reside within them. They may also choose to substitute any bonus feats earned with ones from this section. They must still meet all pre-requisites before choosing a feat.
Alertness, Animal Affinity, Attentive, Blind Fight, Builder, Calm Animals, Confident, Faithful, Focused, Foresight, Fortune Telling, Great Fortitude, Guide, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Naughty or Nice, Nimble, Stealthy, Toughness, True Love,
These feats are available only to Awakened characters who meet the prerequisites. It may be chosen under any circumstance that the character selects a feat.
Divine Magic [Awakened]
You channel the divine spark in your soul into spells.
Prerequisite: Awakened, Wisdom 12
Benefit: The character may, at will, cast a number of 0-level Acolyte spells equal to his or her Wisdom bonus per day. The caster level is equal to the character's total level. No material components are needed.
The character also gains a +1 bonus to all saving throws made to resist divine magic and divine spell-like effects.
Enhanced Divine Magic [Awakened]
You can draw more effectively on the divine energy to create more powerful effects.
Prerequsite: Divine Magic feat
Benefit: The character may, at will, cast a number of 1st- and 2nd-level Acolyte spells equal to his or her Wisdom bonus per day. The caster level is equal to the character's total level. No material components are needed.
Improved Divine Magic [Awakened]
You are able to create minor miracles.
Prerequisite: Enhanced Divine Magic feat, Wisdom 14
Benefit: The character may, at will, cast a number of 3rd- 4th-, and 5th-level Acolyte spells equal to his or her Wisdom bonus per day. The caster level is equal to the character's total level. No material components are needed.
Sense Awakened [Awakened]
You can sense when you are near another Awakened.
Prerequisite: Awakened trait
Benefit: When you are within 60 feet of another Awakened, the GM tells you you feel as though something is "off" or as if "someone just walked over your grave" or some other statement to show you are sensing something unusual. Upon making a successful Spot skill check (DC15), you can identify the source of your unease--another Awakened. If the Awakened is out of your line of sight, you know exactly where he or she is. (The sense of unease ends as soon as you recognise the other Awakened.)
The sense of unease also ends if the Spot check reveals some other threat or mystery that draws your attention.
Note: GMs may or may not be calling your attention to another Awakened. Sometimes, it's something entirely different that's going on. Whichever is the case, the sense that something is wrong is dispelled once your attention is caught by something in the area.
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Illo by Bonksn |
Sense Outsider [Awakened]
Beings from planes beyond those inhabited by mortals venture into it with some regularity, usually disguised in mortal form. You can sense when you are near such creatures.
Prerequisite: Awakened trait
Benefit: When you are within 15 feet and line-of-sight of an extra-planar being that is shapeshifted into a less conspicuous form, you can see an aura of shifting colors around its body. By taking a full round action to study the creature and the GM rolling a successful Spot skill check (DC12), you are able to tell if the being is from one of the Upper, Lower, or Elemental Planes of existence. You are also able to spot shapeshifted beings native to the Realm of Fairies, including the Witchkind, although with such beings, you will not be able to discern what plane they are from.
Wings of an Angels [Awakened]
Mystic wings will slow your fall, preventing you from harm to some extent.
Prerequisite: Awakened, Divine Magic feat
Benefit: After the first 20 feet of free-fall, incorporeal, translucent wings appear on the character's back, and his or her fall is slowed. Falling damage is reduced by half when the character hits the ground (minimum damage 1 point).
More to come--such as Talents--in Part Three. (Meanwhile, if you found this content interesting and useful, consider getting one or more of our actual products at DriveThruRPG. It will encourage to make more.)
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