Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Dragon's Friendship Bracelets

Brigid the Red Dragon has been fascinated by and felt affectionate toward humankind and their many civilizations for roughly 400,000 years. During those many centuries, she has created numerous versions of a magical gift for her favorite humans, or that allowed her to keep connections with them, no matter how far apart they might be.
   When Brigid first developed these items, she named them Bracelets of Uniting the Beloved, but when Friendship Bracelets became popular during the 1980s, she began referring to them as such.

BRACELETS OF UNITING THE BELOVED ("The Dragon's Friendship Bracelets")
This item can take many forms... anything from colored strings woven together to elaborate cuff bracelets decorated with runes or gems. However simple or elaborate its appearance, the bracelet of uniting the beloved always comes in pairs--with the bracelets being identical to each other. If examined with detect magic, they exude an aura of Divination magic.
   Functions: Brigid gives one of the paired bracelets of uniting the beloved other beings she feels friendship or affection toward--primarily humans but she has also given bracelets to a dryad, a couple leprechauns, and a few of the Witchkind. So long as the person is wearing the bracelet, Briged can calm his or her mind and visualize the target while touching the counterpart bracelet (as a full round action) and gain accurate insight into their emotional and physical state. By continuing to focus for an additional round, the creator can communicate telepathically with the other person. It will feel to both individuals as if they are together, perhaps standing back-to-back, but unable to see one another. The telepathic conversation can last a number of minutes equal to the creator's Charisma attribute score. 
   The individual who has received a bracelet from the dragon can use it on the dragon the same way he or she uses it on that individual. 

If either Brigid or the recipient of one of the two linked bracelets either dies or intentionally betrays the other, the bracelet suddenly snaps and falls off the other wearer's wrist. Brigid or the other person (if it's Brigid that's the betrayer... or the deceased(!)) also feels a sudden pang of sorrow that slowly turns into dread and apprehension. If the character spends a round thinking about the person who has the matching bracelet, and makes a ssuccessful Wisdom check (DC12), the sense of dread gives way to mental and emotional clarity, as the character gains full knowledge of how his or her beloved friend died and/or the nature of the betrayal committed.


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