Thursday, December 12, 2013

A gift to help with your happy holiday gaming!

In celebration of the most wonderful time of the year, NUELOW Games and Andrew Pavlides bring you a gift of FREE overland/outdoor maps for use in your home games.

NUELOW Map Pack #1: The Forest features six geomorphic maps of forest terrain that can be combined into hundres of different outdoor adventure areas for any genre of roleplaying game or miniatures game.

This download includes a booklet with an index to the map segments, and a zip archive with each map as a seperate jpg file for easy printing.

Click here to see previews or to download your own copy of this Christmas gift from NUELOW Games to you!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Miley Cyrus ala ROLF! (with a special OGL d20 bonus feat)

In celebration of Miley Cyrus being named Artist of the Year by MTV, we present stats for her, so you can bring her to your gaming table. If you thought she was all about taking a dump on good taste and good music, you were wrong. MTV says so. It doesn't matter what it looks like she's doing in this picture.


Brawn 14, Body 16, Brains 4
   Traits: Nimble, Too Sexy for My Shirt
   Combat Maneuvers: Backflip, Basic Attack, Dance Machine, Seduce
   Important Stuff Worn/Wielded: Giant Foam Finger (Large Melee Weapon. Deals 1 point of damage).

THE MYLIE CYRUS FEAT (for OGL Modern and More!) 
By L.L. Hundal 

  Prehensile Tongue Your tongue is unnaturally elongated, strong, and good for much more than just tying cherry stems into knots.
    Benefit: You can use your tongue to perform any Dex based skill that involves manipulating small objects, such as Open Locks. The skill check DC is increased by +4.
   Special: Prehensile Tongue gives a +2 circumstance bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and/or Seduction skill checks as appropriate. Anyone who sees your tongue on display must roll a Fort save or be put off food for 2d6 hours.

Everything in this post, except the photo and Mylie Cyrus (who is defined as someone's product identity but not ours), is presented under the Open Gaming License. Copyright 2013 Steve Miller

NUELOW d20 Supers (Part Two)

Here's a little more of the OGL Modern superpowers add-on system that's slated to appear in our forthcoming Madden's Boys book. The pre-req for these talent trees is at least one of the Minor Power feats described in this post.

More to come --and feedback is always welcomed. (This post is published under the Open Gaming License. Copyright 2013 Steve Miller.)

(Part Two)

Robust: The character becomes especially robust, gaining a number of hit points equal to his or her character level as soon as this talent is selected. Thereafter, the character gains +1 hit point with each level gained.
   Resistence to Harm: Damage suffered from all non-magical and supernatural sources is reduced by 10 points. This reduction is is applied before saving throws or other damage-reducing mechanics are applied.
   Resistence to Magic: Damage suffered from all magical and supernatural sources is reduced by 15 points. This reduction is is applied before saving throws or other damage-reducing mechanics are applied.
   Unbreakable: Damage suffered from all non-magical sources is reduced by an additional 25 points. This reduction is is applied before saving throws or other damage-reducing mechanics are applied.
   Prerequisite: Resistence to Harm, Robust.

Speed I: When making a full-round action, the character may take an extra unarmed attack, or take an extra attack with any held weapon The character also gains a +2 dodge bonus to Defense Rating and Reflex save, as well as a +10-feet per level increase to movement rate per round. The character can maintain his increased movement rate for a number of rounds equal to his character level before suffering from fatigue.
   Speed II: As Speed I, except the increase in movement rate per round is +20 feet per level.  
   Prerequisite: Speed I
   Speed III: When making a full-round action, the character may take two extra unarmed attack, or take two extra attacks with any held weapon The character also gains a +4 dodge bonus to Defense Rating and Reflex save, as well as a +40-feet per level increase to movement rate per round. The character can maintain his increased movement rate for a number of rounds equal to twice his character level before suffering from fatigue
   Prerequisite: Speed II
   Speed IV: As Speed III, except the increased movement rate can be maintained for a number of minutes equal to the character's level.
   Prerequisite: Speed III

Saturday, November 30, 2013

In Memory of Al Plastino

On November 25, 2013,  the artist who gave us the first look at Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes passed way. At 91, Al Plastino was, according to Mark Evanier, the last remaining living artist to have drawn Superman stories in the 1950s. He was also one of the few remaining writers and artists alive who helped lay the foundations for the comic book industry in the 1940s.

NUELOW Games observes Plastino's passing and honors his memory with a small collection of his earliest known comic book creations -- Al Plastino Early Work: 1940 -41. In fact, it features the very first comic book story he is known to have illustrated, as well as the earliest characters he is known to have co-created, or perhaps even created solo; records regarding who did what were rare among Golden Age publishers and virtually unheard of at the Harry "A" Chesler studio for whom Plastino drew these stories.

As it our habit, the book also features original roleplaying game content inspired by the comics -- in this case it's a brief description of Dynamic Man's first foes and a talent tree for use with OGL d20 Modern -- but it is Plastino's creations that are front and center this time. More-so than any other of our releases.

We hope you'll join us in remembering this fine and influential artist by taking a look at his roots -- and the very roots of comic book storytelling.

For previews or to get your own copy of Al Plastino Early Work: 1940 - 41, click here. Comments on the book, or just thoughts about Al Plastino's work in general, are welcomed in the comments section here or at the listing on the website.

Friday, November 29, 2013

In the Interest of Public Safety....

Dear Friends,

We hope this message reaches you in time,

This morning, we have seen news reports of shootings and stabbings and beatings at Black Friday sales across the nation. Please don't become a victim. We don't want any of our fans (or any gamers, really)  to get hurt.

In the interest of public welfare, we urge ALL gamers to instead gather their groups and hunker down with dice and paper and pencils and roleplay or rollplay until this crisis has past. Trust us: You will sill find cheap TVs when their are less crazy people off their meds in the stores.

In the meantime, as a public service, to encourage you to stay at home safely, we have marked 15 percent off on all of our comics/rpg hybrid products, all of our fiction anthologies (including the complete Robert E. Howard Collection), core rulebooks, OGL Modern supplements, and anything else that usually sells for more than $0.50. Yes--even the Stock Art Collections, so if you're a small publisher of e-books, maybe now is a time to take a look at them!

The special prices will last through this coming Monday. So let's stay safe IN there.

Click here to check out the NUELOW Games catalog of books and RPG stuff.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Two new comics/RPG hybrids available now

The latest ebooks from NUELOW Games continue our ongoing efforts to bring great Golden Age comics to modern readers while simultaneously presenting fun new game material.

First up, we have ROLF!: Hawaiian Manhunt. It features a classic Sally the Sleuth episode by Adolphe Barreuax, a trio of outrageous battle scenarios that form a sort-of sequel by ROLF! co-creator L.L. Hundal, and pre-generated characters and two all-new Spellings --"Change Trait" and "Oh, No You Didn't!" (This marks Sally's third appearance in ROLF!, with Turkey Shoot and Recipe for Evil being the previous two.)

Then, just released this past weekend, we offer a look at a certified classic--Dick Briefer's New Adventures of Frankenstein. After reading the first two installments of Briefer's legendary series, you can pit Frankenstein's Monster against another horror legend--Herbert West, the Re-Animator, in a new battle scenario for ROLF!: The Rollplaying Game.

ROLF! co-creators L.L. Hundal and Steve Miller traded roles between the two books,  switching from editor to game designer respectively. We're both eager to hear what you think of these latest products, especially since Hundal has another Sally idea for the upcoming Christmas Special--for which we are still taking submissions.

Friday, November 22, 2013

A ROLF! John F. Kennedy Memorial Special

Like the attack on Pearl Harbor and the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was a shock to the American system and psyche, It's not surprising that the past couple weeks have seen lots of Kennedy coverage and retrospectives.

Never ones to misuse a moment/trend, we at NUELOW Games hereby offers one as well. On this very day,  November 22, fifty years ago President Kennedy was assassinated by a pathetic little monkey named Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was himself assassinated two days later, bringing about the events we relate below.

Design: Steve Miller - Editing: L.L Hundal
Copyright Steve Miller 2013
(permission granted to copy for personal gaming use)

This is a simple battle scenario for two players that uses the Houseboat on the River Styx and The Associated Shades of Hades setting as its starting point. (Well, the deaths of President Kennedy and his assassin are the starting points, but the world of Houseboat is what lets them meet.

"Wait... what happened?"
   Lee Harvey Oswald, Soviet Dupe (although he himself considered himself a soldier in the international army of partisans fighting for the freedom of the oppressed and downtrodden), looked around, confused. One moment, he had been with police and other running dog capitalist lackeys, the next he was laying in the bottom of a gently rocking small boat, There was a little water in it, and his ass was wet.
   "You're crossing the River Styx, my good man," 
   Oswald sat up and looked at the hooded figure at the boat;s stern. It was a small man in a hooded cloak, operating an outboard motor that put-putted far more softly than he would have expected. The man's face couldn't quite be made out in the deep shadows of the hood, but his eyes glittered and his teeth shone as he smiled and told Lee, "There's someone on the shore who really wants to meet you."
   "I don't know what's going on, but you need to get me to a payphone." Harvey looked around. The boat was moving across inky black water that was as smooth as glass. The craft was bound tightly by a fog so heavy that the boat's wake could barely be seen and no land was visible in any direction.
   "Not one for reading, eh?" the boatman said with a hint of condemnation in his voice. "If you were, you'd know what the River Styx was. Pick up that manual on the seat there. I'll give you your bearings."
   Oswald's gaze turned to the point indicated by the old man's bony finger and saw a booklet with what appeared to be Adam and Eve on the cover titled So You're Dead--Now What?: A Newcomer's Guide to Hades.
   "What the hell are you playing at?" Oswald shouted, getting to his feet.
   "It's personalized service," the boatman replied. "Mostly because bloody Captain Ahab thought he saw the White Whale and ran the usual ferry aground trying to chase it, but also because John wanted to make sure he knew exactly where you'd arrive so he could get to know you."
   "Turn his boat around, or I'll kill you." Harvey growled.
   "All-ashore who're going ashore," the boatman replied. The sudden jolt of the boat running aground toppled Harvey and sent him tumbling through the air. He landed hard in the tall grass on the riverbank. "Mr. Kennedy, meet Mr. Oswald."
   Oswald's head was spinning from the impact and as he looked up, he saw an impossible figure looming over him--the broad-shouldered shape of John F. Kennedy--the man he had assassinated two days prior.
   "So you're the coward who shot me," Kennedy grumbled, pulling Oswald to his feet. "Let's see how tough you are face-to-face."
   "No. Wait. This can't be happening!"
   And that's when Oswald noticed that Kennedy had a big knife and a machine gun slung over his shoulder.
  "But it is," Kennedy replied. "On behalf of the Associated Shades of Hades, let me welcome you to the Afterlife with a richly deserved ass-kicking.

These characters are made using a few Traits and Battle Maneuvers not found in the main ROLF! bookbook. They are in the ROLF!: Dead Presidents supplement. (If this had been an actual product, we would have provided them along with the characters.)

Brawn: 28; Body: 18; Brains: 8
    Traits: Egomaniac, Limousine Liberal
    Combat Maneuvers: Basic Attack, Disarm, Debate Philosophy, Knock Out, Seduction, Strike Pose,
Run Away!, Walk and Chew Gum
    Important Stuff Worn/Wielded: Combat Knife (Small Melee Weapon. Deals 2 points of dmg). Machine Gun (Medium Ranged Weapon. Deals 3 points of dmg. Ignores Armor.).

LEE HARVEY OSWALD (Male... sort of)
Brawn is 19; Body 10; Brains 4.
    Traits: Coldhearted, Dead-Eye, Dumb
    Combat Maneuvers: Basic Attack, Disarm, Dodge, Run Away!.
    Important Stuff Worn/Wielded:, Bayonet (Small Melee Weapon. 2 points of dmg.). Sniper Rifle
(Medium Ranged Weapon. 3 points of dmg. Ignores Armor.)

Kennedy and Oswald fight until one or the other is defeated. Then they can fight again the next day.

An Index of Houseboat on the River Styx ROLF! products: