Tuesday, December 17, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Seventeen

When she walks among humans, she calls herself "Brigid" in honor of a goddess she once knew. Her real name is too long and complicated for lesser beings to pronounce, so she doesn't even bother to tell them.

Brigid is one of the oldest living beings on Earth. Brigid is an ancient dragon.... an ancient red dragon. Unlike most of her kind, she not retreated to the elemental planes with the Titans and other ancient races who were driven from Earth by the Atlanteans. Instead, she has spent tens of thousands of years observing humanity as it developed from cave-dwelling scavengers to masters of the Earth and becoming capable of destruction on a level that not even red dragons can conceive of in their darkest imaginings.

Brigid first became interested in humanity when she noticed they had "tamed" fire and made it just another one of their tools. Over the millennia, she traveled among them in human form--dragons are all capable of taking whatever shape they like, but few bother to perfect the skill to the degree that Brigid has--and she has been worshipped as a goddess of fire and light (and sometimes destruction) by many cultures that have emerged and faded.



But out all the inventions and achievements she has witnessed grown out of human imagination and community were the celebrations of Saturnalia and Yule; she loved the chaotic way humans in that part of the world celebrated life and brought light to the darkest of seasons. She also enjoyed getting gifts and getting roaringly drunk and treating lucky crowds to amazing displays of fire magic.

As Christianity gained dominance and the ancient festivals merged into a celebration of the faith's central figure, Brigid's love of the festivities surrounded it only grew greater. The songs, the decorations, the setting aside of differences and coming together in peace--if only for brief moments. And by the time what we consider "modern day" had arrived, Brigid loved that Christmas was EVERYWHERE thanks to all the various human inventions' who needs magic when you have broadcast networks and Muzak in malls?!

Every Christmas, Brigid assumes the human form she considers her most perfect and dresses it in quirky Christmas outfits. She visits churches and community centers around the world; she crashes corporate and political Christmas parties; she approaches both the financial and cultural elite, as well as the poorest and most rejected members of societies, asking to help them celebrate Christmas.
If treated with a minimum of hospitality and good cheer, she is a good guest that brings much entertainment to the party. If she is treated warmly and generously, the generosity is returned. The party's hosts receive a charm that will bring good luck to them and their direct descendants for 100 years so long as they are kind and generous while guests who are nice to her receive charms that grant them good luck for the next year.


If those who are impoverished or on the fringes of human societies accept her offer to spend Christmas with them, they find themselves whisked away to a wondrous palace that reflects Yule and Christmas in all its forms. They are guests at a spectacular feast and leave with gifts both useful and desired, as well as money to get back on their feet and magically cured of whatever addictions of ailments they may have been suffering from.

On the other hand, if Brigid is rebuffed or treated rudely, she makes sure those who lack proper Christmas spirit have their Holiday Seasons ruined by unexplained fires. How severe those fires are depends on how badly Brigid is treated. If she is physically attacked, she will reveal her true from and lay waste to a swath of the land, killing dozens if not hundreds of people... but leaving those who violated the Spirit of Christmas alive and fully aware of what they unleashed.

Monday, December 16, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Sixteen
Bessie Love and the Magical Mistletoe

It's the time of year when the Spirits of Christmas move across the land, randomly bestowing icons of the holidays with supernatural blessings. Among the things they empower is the mistletoe that hangs in the doorways of frisky young people.

Bessie Love via OpenArt.ai

During the Christmas Season of 1925, Bessie Love (silent movie star who secretly fought against supernatural evil as a costumed mystery woman), noticed that enchanted mistletoe was showing up at the parties she was attending. Even in her own house, the mistletoe that hung over the doorway to her sitting room suddenly became enchanted on Christmas Eve. 

The magic seemed to vary in strength and appeared harmless--perhaps even helpful in some cases--so it was a fairly low priority for her to track its origins. Instead, she collected the enchanted sprigs when possible and preserved them in her collection of magical artifacts. She noted they tended to regain their enchantment every Christmas Eve, even after they'd long since dried out.

Eventually, when she joined forces with Santa's Helpers to save Kris Kringle himself from certain doom in 1933, she discovered the true origin and nature of the enchanted mistletoe, even if she never did find out exactly what their full range of effects could be.

The Spirits of Christmas enchant random mistletoe sprigs in doorways to bestow various blessings from December 21 through January 5.

Roll 1d6 to determine the nature of the mistletoe hung in the doorway.

1. Not magical, but still pretty (and a pretty good excuse for smooching).
2. Vampires may not cross through the doorway in which the mistletoe hangs, they cannot touch it, and anyone on the other side is immune to their mind-effecting powers.
3. Everyone who passes through the doorway in which the mistletoe hangs are instantly filled with a sense of comfort and joy. They receive a +4 bonus to all Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks that are done in acts of love and friendship or to defuse tense situations.
4. Unfaithful lovers feel compelled to confess their betrayal while under the mistletoe (Will save DC24 to resist).
5. Faithful lovers who kiss under the mistletoe gain the spell-like abilities of comprehend languages, discern lie and detect illusion as if they were 20th-level spellcasters.
6. Faithful lovers gain a +4 bonus to all saving skill checks, saving throws, and attack rolls made when fighting together or defending each other for 24 hours after kissing beneath the mistletoe.

The text in this post is presented under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with its terms. Copyright Steve Miller 2017, 2024. (If you found this material useful and/or entertaining, please support our efforts by buying one of our products at DriveThruRPG.)

Also, for the record, both images of Bessie Love in this post are as fictitious as her career as a superhero. They were made using a specifically "trained" model at OpenArt.ai.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Fifteen

There exists among us people who are touched by the Spirits of Christmas at birth. As children, they seem extra kind and extra cheerful (especially around the Holidays). When they turn 16, the Spirits visit the individual and offer them a chance to become a Santa's Helper.

Santa's Helpers
A pair of Santa's Helpers


(d20 System rules, presented under the Open Game License. Copyright 2024 by Steve Miller)
During character creation, the player declares that his character chose to become a Santa's Helper. (This can also be rolled randomly if the GM prefers; the character is a Santa's Helper on a roll of 001 on percentile dice.)
  In addition to all standard class abilities and bonus feats, a Santa's Helper gains the following abilities for two days out of the year, December 24 and 25.
  Joy of Fellowship: The character and his closest allies (other PCs for example) gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws, attack rolls, and skill checks.
  Spellcasting: The character may cast a number of spells from the following list a number of times per day equal to his Wisdom + Charisma bonus. He casts the spell by making a gesture (such as twitching his nose or winking, with no other components required): Animal Friendship, Detect Thoughts, Disguise Self, Fabricate, Knock, Nondetection, Passwall, Telekinesis.
   Bonus Feat: The character adds Naughty or Nice to the selection of available bonus feats. The ability gained from this feat is available all year long.
   Drawback: A Santa's Helper is expected to be kind and helpful to all but the most naughty and outright evil beings. If he or she is mean or violent toward an innocent, friendly, or harmless target, he or she instantly loses his mystical status and all benefits that come with it..
   Special: If Santa requires assistance in delivering gifts to good children, or if there's a particular threat that is stopping him from visiting an area that requires the sort of skills and attention that only a player character can bring to bear, he or she is asked to spring into action. (Hopefully, the other party members will go along to help the Helper!) 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Fourteen

The text in today's post is released under the Open Game License and may be reproduced in accordance with it. Copyright 2024 by Steve Miller.

A powerful person (rich, well-connected, a sorcerer, sorcerer-related, or just with access to magic), or perhaps even Santa himself, has gifted the player characters with a tin of magical Christmas cookies. Each type of cookie has a different effect (described on a piece of parchment in the tin), and it lasts for 8 hours or until another cookie from the tin is eaten. Each type of cookie is separated from the others by a thin sheet of paper.

    Danish Vanilla Wreaths (8 in the tin): +4 bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks. Ability to understand all Scandinavian languages.
    Gingerbread Santas (8 in the tin): +4 bonus to Move Silently and Hide skill checks. Ability to fall from up to 10 ft. and suffer no damage.
    Russian Tea Cakes (8 in the tin): +4 bonus to Gather Information and Intimidate skill checks. Ability to understand Russian.
    Shortbread Cookie (8 in the tin): +1 to all saving throws.
    Sugar Cookie Jesus (8 in the tin): Heal 1d6+1 hit points with a touch, up to a number of times equal to Wisdom+Charisma bonuses.
    White Christmas Chocolate Chip (8 in the tin): -2 damage from all elemental sources.

Although the cookies are the main attraction, but tin itself is also mildly magical. It keeps any food items placed within it fresh and edible without a need for refrigeration. The food items will still spoil at their normal rate.

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Friday, December 13, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Thirteen

Sometimes, Santa needs a little help making his rounds on Christmas Eve. Sometimes, it gets so bad that even his regular staff of Helpers can't provide enough support. During these times, Noelle Candy, one of Santa's Helper's who specializes in Helper Recruitment & Training, reaches out to suitable candidates to serve as temporary workers to get the job done.

One of Santa's Helpers
Noelle Candy, Santa's Recruitment Specialist

In 2023, she reached out to several... well... beings on the Naughty List that she knew wanted to made amends for past dark deeds. They performed so well that she's invited them back for this year. So, if Santa can't make it to your house, one of these special hires will.

One of Santa's Helper
Marvin the Zombie Master, an Undead Necromancer Who's Changed


One of Santa's Helper
Garry Loop, a Werewolf Who Got Bit by the Christmas Spirit

One of Santa's Helpers
The Grim Reaper, Trying to Rehabilitate his Reputation

One of Santa's Helpers
Jason Vorhees, Hoping to Kill Some Naughty Kids

Roll 1d6 against the tables to see how present delivery goes on Christmas Eve.

1. Santa, the Big Man Himself
2. Noelle Candy
3. Marvin the Zombie Master
4. Garry Loop the Werewolf
5. The Grim Reaper
6. Jason Vorhees

1-2. He or she wishes them a 'Merry Christmas', asks where the milk and cookies are.
3. He or she flees without leaving presents.
4. He or she gives the PCs a one-shot blessing, giving them a +4 bonus to a single die roll.
5-6. He or she grants them a benefit specific to the Gift-Giver until next January 6.
       Santa: Grants a +2 bonus to skill checks involving being stealthy.
       Noelle: Grants a +2 bonus to skill checks involving eliciting loyalty.
       Marvin: Grants a +2 bonus to damage dealt to undead foes.
       Garry: Grants a +2 bonus to damage dealt to lycanthropes.
       The Grim Reaper: Grants a +2 bonus to resist illness and infections.
       Jason Vorhees: Grants a +2 bonus to attacks and damage rolls.

1-2. He or she tries to flee without leaving presents. If pursued, he or she 
       fights back.
3-4. He or she drops all the gifts and flees. 1d4 hours later, 20 armed elves 
        show up to retrieve the gifts, fighting the PCs if necessary. The initial
        gift-giver will fight back if pursued.
5.     He or she will fight to the death if necessary. 1d4 hours later, 20 armed
        elves arrive to avenge the Helper.
6.     He or she tries to reason with the PC and resolve the confrontation
        peacefully. If that fails, he or she will fight to the death if forced to.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Twelve

It's Christmas Eve and nothing is stirring in Mira's house. The only sound is her singing softly to herself, as she sits at the dining room table, holding a bottle containing a curious pulsing spark...

Last Christmas, 
I gave you my heart 
But the very next day, you threw it away 
This year, to save me from tears 
I've captured your soul in this bottle...

Soul Bottles
Originating in ancient Atlantis, Soul Bottles, and the secret of their creation, has been preserved by the Witchkind and a small number of Immortals. Generally speaking, they have been used to either imprison the souls of evil beings so they will never return to trouble the living, or to preserve the soul of someone who has unfinished business in this world but who ended up severely injured or deathly ill and was sure to die before his time. Once in a while, they are used for more nefarious or personal reasons, such as Mira capturing the soul of the man who broke her heart.

Creating a Soul Bottle
The most basic component of a soul bottle is, as the name suggests, a bottle. It must be a sturdy bottle made of glass that either has a stopper or screw-top lid that seals tightly. If the bottle is too fragile, it will be shattered by the raw energy of the soul; or if the bottle doesn't seal tight enough, the soul will escape its containment. In both cases, the soul is lost to the Mortal Realm and has moved onto its next stage of existence.
   Once a bottle has been selected, the person enchanting it must keep it close to his or her person (within melee range) for 13 days. Then, the bottle must be left in the open air from sundown to sunrise for the three nights of the Full Moon. This will complete the basic enchantment on the bottle, and it is now attuned to the person who wishes to place a soul within it.
   Next, the bottle must be prepared to house a specific soul. This can be the same person who began the process or someone completely different; but the person working on the bottle at this stage must know the intended target personally. For 21 days, the person preparing the bottle must gather all his or her tears that are wept while thinking of their relationship with the target between sunrise and sunset. The tears can be the result of anguish, joy, or hate-filled rage, or any other emotion that the enchanter feels toward the target.

Using a Soul Bottle
Once the tears have been collected, the bottle must be given to the intended target, by the person who prepared it to hold the soul. As soon as the target touches the bottle, the magic begins to paralyze his or her body. Moments later, as the target collapses, his or her soul rushes into the bottle. The bottle must then be immediately sealed, so the soul doesn't escape.

The Fate of the Body and Soul
The target's body is left in a coma and will eventually die if special measures aren't taken. If the captured soul is released from the bottle, it returns to its body. If the body is dead, the soul moves onto the Afterlife and whatever reward or punishment it has earned (or to reincarnation, or whatever fate awaits those who die in the world).
   The soul can also be drawn into a specially prepared body that's been created through spellcraft or cloning technology, using the original body from which it was drawn as raw materials.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

NUELOW at Christmas: Day Eleven

'Tis the Season for Feats... and these should appeal to d20 System gamers wether they love of hate Christmas! (All feats in this post are presented under the Open Game License.)

Your musical talents and skills as a performer increase during the Christmas Season, even more so when you are performing, or performing to, Christmas music.
   Prerequisite: At least 1 rank in two or more Perform skills.
   Benefit: From December 15 through January 5 each year, you gain a +4 bonus to all skills related to dancing, singing, and playing instruments. The bonus is increased to +6 if your performance involves Christmas music.
   Special: During the rest of year, the bonus from this feat is +1, but it applies to all varieties of performances involving music in one way or another.from this feat apply to all performances is reduced to +1.

Fake Lindsey Sterling (made at OpenArt.a.i.)

GRINCH [General]
You are adept at stealing that which might bring others joy.
   Benefit: From December 15 through January 5, you gain a +4 bonus to all Disable Device/Traps, Hide, Move Silently and Open Locks skill checks made to steal gifts, packages, and holiday decorations.
   Special: During the rest of year, the bonus gained from this feat is +1.

Whether you're pro-Christmas ("there's a war on Christmas!"/"I am insulted that you wished me Happy Holidays!") or anti-Christmas ("your cultural appropriation of the trappings of dead pagan religions offends me"/"I feel violated by your Christmas decorations!"), you are a brilliant at ruining everyone's good mood and holiday cheer.
   Benefit: Whenever the character is within 30 ft. of Christmas decorations, or other items related by Christmas, or someone brings up anything related to Christmas or wishes him or her "Happy Holidays!", you gain a +4 bonus to Intimidate skill checks, as well as a +2 bonus to all melee attack rolls. You also impose a -2 penalty on Morale checks. The effects last until the character leaves the area.
   Special: The benefits of this feat can also apply to Easter, Kwanza, Yom Kippur, Ramadan... any major holiday during which others want to have fun or enjoy each other's company and fellowship that the character wants to ruin. In such cases, the player merely needs to say that he or she is applying the Holiday Warrior benefits to the holiday in question.

KRAMPUS [General]
The naughty had better watch out!
   Prerequisite: Naughty or Nice
   Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls against targets identified using the Naughty or Nice feat. In addition, any spells or spell-like abilities uses agains the target function at one level higher than the character's actual caster level.

SELFLESS [General]
You are ready to support those in need.
   Benefit: Give up one of your character's actions. Designate another player. The character under that player's control gains a +4 bonus to the next d20 roll made. You may use this ability as many times each round as you have actions.
   Special: When this feat is chosen, gain 2 character points that must be spent on skills immediately.

You spread joy and cheer.
   Prerequisite: Wisdom 12, Charisma 14
   Benefit: Take a full round action to make a Concentration check (DC8). For the duration of the next encounter, all other PCs and allied NPCs present when you make the check gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws and morale checks.
   Special: The bonus is increased to +4 for present PCs and NPCs who join together and sing a Christmas carol (or other campaign-setting appropriate song of a similar nature) while the skill check is being made. Skills checks of Perform (sing) (DC4) are needed to stay on key.

And to keep the Christmas Spirit building among all of you out there, here's a great video (with even greater music) from violinist/dancer Lindsey Sterling. (We think she may have the Christmas Caroler feat...)